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NCERT Class 8 History Chapter 8 Women Caste and Reforms Extra Questions


Class 8 History Chapter 8 Extra Question with Answer – Women Caste and Reforms


Very Short Answer Type Extra Questions (1 Marks)

1) What was Sati?

2) Which castes were considered upper castes?

3) Which caste was considered polluting?

4) Which people were termed as untouchables?

5) Who established Brahmo Sabha?

6) In which year Sati was banned?

7) Who was the pioneer in banning Sati?

8) In which year widow remarriage was permitted?

9) Who was the pioneer in the introduction of widow remarriage?

10) Who formed an association for widow remarriage in the Telugu-speaking areas in Madras?

11) Who found the Arya samaj?

12) In which century the first School for girls was opened?

13) Where did Jyotiba Phule belong?

14) What did the aristocratic Muslim women learn in North India?

15) Why Mumtaz Ali was famous?

16) What was the name of the book published by Tarabai Shinde?

17) What were the topics of the books published by Tarabai Shinde?

18) Who was Pandita Ramabai?

19) Which leaders supported the demand for great equality and freedom for women in the 20th century?

20) In which year the child marriage restraint act was passed?

21) What was the minimum age for boys and girls to get married?

22) Which text did ram Mohan Roy translate?

23) Which institution adhered the tradition of bhakti and believed in spiritual equality of all classes?

24) Why the poor people while going to the cities leaving their home behind?

25) Where did the labours go in plantation work?

26) Who was a mahar?

27) Upto which year the untouchables were not allowed in government school in the Bombay presidency?

28) Who founded the satnami movement?

29) Who was jyotibaphule? When he was born,? Where did he study?

30) In which year jyotibaphule wrote a book named gulamgiri?

31) What was the meaning of gulamgiri?

32) Name a dalit leader from the western part of India of that time?

33) Name a adalit leader from the the southern part of India of that time?

34) When did BR ambedkar come toto India?

35) In which year did BR ambedkar start the temple entry movement?

36) For how many years the temple entry movement lasted?

37) What was another name of EV ramaswamynaicker? Which movement was started by him?

38) Who was Henry Louis Vivian derozio?

39) When did swami Vivekananda gave his religious speech in Chicago?

40) When the prarthanasamaj was established and where?

41) When the Vedsamaj was established and where?

42) Who started the aligarh movement and in which year?

43) What was the Singh Sabha movement? Where did the movement start?


Short Answer Type Extra Questions (Marks-2)

1) What was the situation of the children and women 200 years ago?

2) What was sati system?

3) Why the books newspapers magazines pamphlets printed against the horrendous practices?

4) Why did ram Mohan Roy think that a change was necessary?

5) What according to raja ram Mohan Roy the best way to ensure such changes?

6) Which language is very known to raja ram Mohan Roy?

7) What logic did ram Mohan Roy give against sati?

8) What ram Mohan Roy said in Court against sati?

9) How did vidyasagar started widow remarriage?

10) How did the reform movements spread to The Western and southern parts of India?

11) Despite of the law why the numbers of widow who actually remarried remained lo?

12) What to write the steps taken by vidyasagar for female education?

13) How education changed the aristocratic Muslim household?

14) How did women started writing about women? Give examples

15) Write briefly about panditaramabai and his great deeds for the women?

16) How did the orthodox Hindu and Muslim society reacted to these reforms?

17) What was the law against child marriage?

18) What was the ideal of prarthanasamaj?

19) Why the tribal lower caste people were going to the towns?

20) What were the professions of the lower class tribal people in the town?

21)  Who could produce shoes? Give suitable examples

22) Who started the satnami movement and what was their aim?

23) How jyotibaphule try to to break the barrier of caste system?

24) What was the temple entry movement? Who led the movement?

25) What was the self respect movement? What were the aims of this movement? Who was the leader of this movement? What is he is another name?

26) What was e v ramaswaminaicker’sview on Hindu scriptures like codes of Manu Bhagavad Gita and ramayana?

27) Who established the brahmosamaj and when?

28) What were the ideals of the ramakrishna mission? What were the agenda of swami Vivekananda?

29) What were the aims of prarthanasamaj and Veda samaj?

30) What was aligarh movement? Who started this movement? What were the aims of this movement?

Long Answer Type Extra Questions (Marks-5)

1) What was the condition of the women and children about 200 years ago?

2) How the discrimination based on caste system was prevalent in thethensociety?

3) How the change begin from the early 19th century? Name some of the pioneers of the changes

4) What was the role of raja ram Mohan Roy in Indian history and specially in in case of women upliftment?

5) Write the role of vidyasagar and what he had done for women?

6) What was Arya samaj and Brahma samaj? What were their AIMS? What were the differences between those organisations?

7) Write about the role of vidyasagar in girls education?

8) How did women came forward in every sphere of society.? Elaborate with suitable examples

9) What were the aims and objectives of Christian missionaries during the 19th century?

10) Write about the tribal people who left their home and went to various places for walk? What works did they do? How they were treated?

11) Describe in detail about the satnami movement in Central India?

12) Write about the role of jyotibaphule in Indian history?

13) What was Temple entry movement? What were its AIMS?

14) Write in detail about the self respect movement and the aims of e v ramaswaminaicker? What were his views about ancient Indian texts?

15) How did the orthodox Hindu society react to the liberal minds of that time!?

16) Write in detail about ramkrishna mission and swami Vivekananda.

17) What was aligarh movement and the Singh Sabha movement?

18) Write about the bad conditions of black slaves and white planters?

