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Showing posts from February, 2022

DAV CLASS 6 SCIENCE CHAPTER 14 FABRIC FROM FIBRE - extra questions and answers, MCQ

  DAV CLASS 6 SCIENCE  CHAPTER 14 FABRIC FROM FIBRE   Q (1): We need clothes to protect us from _______. (a) Heat (b) Cold (c) Rain (d) All of the above   Q (2): What are clothes made up of ? (a) Fibres (b) Water (c) Branches (d) None of the above   Q (3): Woven fibres are called as _____ (a) Garbage  (b) Fabric (c) Unknitted  (d) Knots   Q (4): In which book can we find the first mention of 'sari'? (a) Harry Potter (b) Bhagwad Geeta (c) Vedas (d) Around the world in 80 days   Q (5): How many types of fibres do we know? (a) 1  (b) 2 (c) 3  (d) 4 Q (6): Natural fibres are obtained from ______ sources. (a) Natural  (b) Homeopathic (c) Unnatural  (d) Synthetic Q (7): Which of the following are natural sources for fibres? (a) Plants (b) Animals (c) Both A and B (d) None of the above Q (8): Fibres that are obtained from _____ are called plant fibres. (a) Plants (b) Animals (c) Both A and B (d) None

CBSE Class 6 English Unseen Passages Type I

  CBSE Class 6 English Unseen Passages Type I     Read the passages given below and answer the questions that follow each of them : Passage 1 You never saw such a commotion up and down a house in all your life, as when my Uncle Podger undertook to do a job. A picture would have come home from the frame-maker’s, and be standing in the dining room, waiting to be put up ; and Aunt Podger would ask what was to be done with it, and Uncle Podger would say : “Oh, you leave that to me. Don’t you, any of you, worry yourselves about that. I’ll do all that.” And then he would take off his coat, and begin. He would send the girl out for sixpenny worth of nails, and then one of the boys after her to tell her what size to get ; and from that, he would gradually get the whole house involved. “Now you go and get me my hammer, Will,” he would shout; “and bring me the rule, Tom ; and I shall want the stepladder, and I had better have a kitchen chair, too ; and Jim ! you run round to Mr

Passage 2 (Passage with Multiple Choice Answer Type Questions) The civilisation is growing faster and our need for energy is increasing day-by-day. We use

 Passage 2 (Passage with Multiple Choice Answer Type Questions) The civilisation is growing faster and our need for energy is increasing day-by-day. We use energy in the form of petrol, diesel and natural gas. These are likely to be exhausted in due course of times as they are fossil fuels and people are continuously using it. People are using energy in home, office, hospitals, industries and through transportation. Electricity is also a form of energy and depends on availability of petrol and water resources. ସଭ୍ୟତା ଦ୍ରୁତ ଗତିରେ ବୃଦ୍ଧି ପାଉଛି ଏବଂ ଶକ୍ତି ର ଆବଶ୍ୟକତା ଦିନକୁ ଦିନ ବୃଦ୍ଧି ପାଉଛି । ଆମେ ପେଟ୍ରୋଲ, ଡିଜେଲ ଏବଂ ପ୍ରାକୃତିକ ଗ୍ୟାସ ଆକାରରେ ଶକ୍ତି ବ୍ୟବହାର କରୁ | ଏଗୁଡ଼ିକ ଯଥା ସମୟରେ କ୍ଳାନ୍ତ ହେବାର ସମ୍ଭାବନା ଅଛି କାରଣ ସେମାନେ ଜୀବାଶ୍ମ ଇନ୍ଧନ ଏବଂ ଲୋକମାନେ ଏହାକୁ କ୍ରମାଗତ ଭାବରେ ବ୍ୟବହାର କରୁଛନ୍ତି | ଲୋକମାନେ ଘର, କାର୍ଯ୍ୟାଳୟ, ଡାକ୍ତରଖାନା, ଶିଳ୍ପ ଏବଂ ପରିବହନ ମାଧ୍ୟମରେ ଶକ୍ତି ବ୍ୟବହାର କରୁଛନ୍ତି ବିଦ୍ୟୁତ୍ ମଧ୍ୟ ଏକ ପ୍ରକାର ଶକ୍ତି ଏବଂ ପେଟ୍ରୋଲ ଏବଂ ଜଳ ସମ୍ପଦର ଉପଲବ୍ଧତା ଉପରେ ନିର୍ଭର କରେ |   Everybody is facing the problem of energ

Passage 1 (Passage with Very Short Answer Type Questions) Once there was a lion. He was sleeping in a forest when a little mouse began running up and

Read the passages given below carefully and answer the questions that follow. Passage 1 (Passage with Very Short Answer Type Questions) Once there was a lion. He was sleeping in a forest when a little mouse began running up and down near him. The lion got disturbed and was awakened. He tried to place his huge paw upon the mouse in anger and opened his big jaw to swallow him. The mouse became frightened. "Pardon, O King!" cried the little mouse, "Forgive me this time, I shall never repeat it and shall never forget your kindness. And who knows, but I may be able to do something good for you one of these days?" ଥରେ ସିଂହ ଥିଲା । ସେ ଏକ ଜଙ୍ଗଲରେ ଶୋଇଥିଲେ ଯେତେବେଳେ ତାଙ୍କ ପାଖରେ ଏକ ଛୋଟ ମୂଷା ଉପରକୁ ଏବଂ ତଳକୁ ଦୌଡିବାକୁ ଲାଗିଲା | ସିଂହ ବିଚଳିତ ହୋଇ ଜାଗ୍ରତ ହେଲା । ସେ କ୍ରୋଧରେ ମୂଷା ଉପରେ ତାଙ୍କର ବିରାଟ ପାଉଁଶ ରଖିବାକୁ ଚେଷ୍ଟା କଲେ ଏବଂ ତାଙ୍କୁ ଗିଳିବା ପାଇଁ ତାଙ୍କ ବଡ ଜହ୍ନ ଖୋଲିଲେ | ମୂଷା ଭୟଭୀତ ହୋଇଗଲା । "କ୍ଷମା କର, ହେ ରାଜା!" ଛୋଟ ମୂଷା କାନ୍ଦିକାନ୍ଦି କାନ୍ଦି ଲାଗ, "ଏଥର ମୋତେ କ୍ଷମା କର, ମୁଁ ଏହାକୁ