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CBSE 10th English Term 2 Exam 2022 : Check Correct Format for Letter of Enquiry & Order Placing

CBSE 10th English Term 2 Exam 2022 : Check Correct Format for Letter of Enquiry & Order Placing

The letter writing format is an important factor that students must know for writing a formal letter accurately in exams. In CBSE Class 10 English Term 2 Exam 2022, students will have a letter-writing question on either ‘Enquiry’ or ‘Placing Order’. We will explain below the right format for both Enquiry and Placing Order letters. Students must keep the correct format in mind be careful about the accuracy of content while writing a formal letter.

Check the letter format below:

Letter of Enquiry

It is a letter written to gain some information related to something, for example, if a person wants to buy an item, get enrolled for a course, book a room in a hotel, go on a trip, etc. The Letter of Enquiry is written to get the response from the recipient with the action that satisfies the enquiry.

The letter of enquiry must be written like a formal letter that includes senders’ address, date, receiver’s address, subject of letter, salutation, body and Sender’s name/signature at the end. Check the correct format of formal letter to gain detailed information on all these factors.

Important points tremember while writing the letter of enquiry:

  • Provide a brief introduction about yourself.
  • Explain clearly the subject of enquiry or the information you want.
  • Ask the information you want in bulleted points.
  • In order to get the information by a particular date, mention it clearly in the letter.


Sender’s Address


Address of the recipient

Dear Sir/Madam

Subject: Inquiry regarding ...........................

Body of the letter

1. Introduction to the subject

2. Elaborate on the subject /request/enquiry

3. Conclusion

Yours faithfully / Yours sincerely

Sender’s name

Letter of Order

It is a letter written to assign orders for goods or items. It should be very well formatted and written in a formal language. The information you provide in the letter should be clear, complete and accurate so that you do not have to face the problems like receiving incomplete order or delayed delivery.

Important points tremember while writing the letter of order:

  • Clear and concise information
  • Polite attitude
  • List of things to be ordered
  • Mode of payment
  • Mode of shipping
  • Shipping address
  • Provide deadline for order delivery


Writer’s address


Ref. No. _________

The Manager
Name of company
Address of company

Dear Sir/Madam,

Subject:- Inquiry regarding ...........................

Body of the letter

1. Reference to quotation dated

2. List of items to be ordered

3. Date on which delivery is required

4. Mode of payment

5. Items to be of standard quality and in good condition

Yours faithfully



