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English Language and Literature - 9th WIND - MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS [MCQ] [#33] ANSWERS

  English Language and Literature - 9th WIND MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS [MCQ] ANSWERS   Q (1): Have you seen anybody winnow grain at home or in a paddy field? What do people use for winnowing? (MCQ) [1] ( a ) Winnowing means separating the grain from their outer covering, called chaff. Winnowing is done by letting the grain fall gently from a cane container while a strong wind or fan is blown. ( b ) Winnowing is a process in which the farmer plants a plant and takes care of it. ( c ) Winnowing is a process through which we try to separate the insects from rice. ( d ) Winnowing is a process used by people to clear bad water.   Q (2): Who translated the poem "Wind" into English? (MCQ) [1] ( a ) Subramania Bharati translated the poem "Wind" into English. ( b ) Rabindranath Tagore translated the poem "Wind" into English. ( c ) A.K. Ramanujan translated the poem "Wind" into English. ( d ) T.S. Eliot translated the poem "Wind" into English.  

English Language and Literature - 9th WIND MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS [MCQs] [#33]

   English Language and Literature - 9th WIND MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS [MCQs]     Q (1): Have you seen anybody winnow grain at home or in a paddy field? What do people use for winnowing? (MCQ) [1] ( a ) Winnowing means separating the grain from their outer covering, called chaff. Winnowing is done by letting the grain fall gently from a cane container while a strong wind or fan is blown. ( b ) Winnowing is a process in which the farmer plants a plant and takes care of it. ( c ) Winnowing is a process through which we try to separate the insects from rice. ( d ) Winnowing is a process used by people to clear bad water.   Q (2): Who translated the poem "Wind" into English? (MCQ) [1] ( a ) Subramania Bharati translated the poem "Wind" into English. ( b ) Rabindranath Tagore translated the poem "Wind" into English. ( c ) A.K. Ramanujan translated the poem "Wind" into English. ( d ) T.S. Eliot translated the poem "Wind" into English.   Q (3

CBSE class 9 and 10 - Reading Skills Comprehension : Ludwig Van Beethoven (1770-1827) - Passage 1

  1. Reading Skills Comprehension: Ludwig Van Beethoven (1770-1827) Ludwig Van Beethoven (1770-1827) Read the Passage Carefully and answers the Following Questions: – The composer came of a musical family; for his grandfather was Kapellmeister, and his father, a tenor singer, filled a small musical post at Cologne. He was born at Bonn in December 1770. His father had become a confirmed toper, and the boy suffered in consequence. The father had heard of the prodigy Mozart, and the money he had brought his parents, and he conceived the notion of exploiting his own son in the same way. Thus he kept him slaving at the piano and thrashed him when he did not practice long enough. There are stories of the sot coming home late and dragging the little fellow out of bed to go to the keyboard. This degraded specimen ended his life by his own hand, but not before his conduct had cast a gloom over his son’s youth which greatly affected his after years. Beethoven seems to have had no regular course


  The Lost Child  - Mulk Raj Anand   Answers to NCERT Questions THINK ABOUT IT 1. What are the things the child sees on his way to the fair? Why does he lag behind? Ans: On his way to the fair, the child sees toys, a host of dragon flies and as he walks along with his parents, he is showered with the petals of fragrant flowers. He is now distracted by doves, and he goes skipping around the banyan tree in search of them. He being a small child lags behind as he is attracted to everything he lays his curious eyes on.   2. In the fair he wants many things. What are they? Why does he move on without waiting for an answer? Ans: At the fair, the little boy murmured softly that he wanted burfi from the sweetmeat seller, flowers from the flower seller, balloons from the balloon seller, and to listen to the music of the snake charmer. He moves on without waiting for an answer because he knew that his parents would find an excuse for not fulfilling any of his demands. The only