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  The Lost Child

 - Mulk Raj Anand


Answers to NCERT Questions


1. What are the things the child sees on his way to the fair? Why does he lag behind?

Ans: On his way to the fair, the child sees toys, a host of dragon flies and as he walks along with his parents, he is showered with the petals of fragrant flowers. He is now distracted by doves, and he goes skipping around the banyan tree in search of them. He being a small child lags behind as he is attracted to everything he lays his curious eyes on.


2. In the fair he wants many things. What are they? Why does he move on without waiting for an answer?

Ans: At the fair, the little boy murmured softly that he wanted burfi from the sweetmeat seller, flowers from the flower seller, balloons from the balloon seller, and to listen to the music of the snake charmer. He moves on without waiting for an answer because he knew that his parents would find an excuse for not fulfilling any of his demands. The only demand he voiced loudly was that he wanted to go on the roundabout.


3. When does he realise that he has lost his way? How have his anxiety and insecurity been described?

Ans: The little boy realised that he had lost his way, when his request for a ride on the roundabout was met with a silence. When he turned around to look at his parents, he realised that they were not to be seen anywhere. His reaction was a full, deep cry that rose from within his dry throat, his body convulsed and he began crying with fear and anxiety. Wailing loudly, he runs around wildly, shouting out for his parents in absolute desperation.


4. Why does the lost child lose interest in the things that he had wanted earlier?

Ans: The boy was suddenly noticed by a man in the crowd who lifted him in his arms and tried to console him. In his attempt at calming down the child, he offers him everything the child had been wanting his parents to buy him. He has only one reply to the gentleman and that was, “I want my mother, I want my father. The little child loses interest in everything around him because he yearns to be with his family, who he had left behind somewhere in the crowded fair as he absent-mindedly capers around enjoying and wanting the various things on display.


5. What do you think happens in the end? Does the child find his parents?

Ans: The author has always empathised with the weak, troubled, suppressed and down trodden. In this lesson, the little child, who loses his parents as he innocently saunters into the fair, is desperate, anxious, and inconsolable. A good Samaritan picks up the boy and tries his best to pacify him and offers him toys, sweets, flowers and balloons to stop the outburst and wailing. The author has introduced this character, who was different from all the other indifferent and unconcerned people in the crowd, with the intention of a happy ending. He would have definitely gone out of his way to unite the child with his parents. On the other hand, the parents also would have made intense efforts to secure their child, and the threesome would have been united.




Additional Questions

Short Answer Questions (30-40 words: 2 Marks each)


1. How does the author introduce the lesson?

Ans: The author introduces the lesson with the spring season when rural India celebrates the occasion with fun, fair and festivities. The story begins with a picture of colourfully dressed people who are walking, riding or being carried along the road. The atmosphere is full of joy and laughter.


2. How has the child been introduced?

Ans: The child has been shown to be displaying all the characteristics of any child of his age. He is happy and eager to go to the fair, jumping along aimlessly, and wishing to possess everything he laid his eyes on. However, he does not voice his desires loudly because he is aware of the strictness of his thrifty parents. A naughty, lively, obedient and affectionate character.


3. His mother, melted by the free spirit of the day was tender and giving him her finger to hold, said, “look child, what is before you! Explain.

Ans: The tender heart of the mother melts when her son is upset for having been refused a toy by his father. To pacify him, divert his attention, and to enjoy the day whole-heartedly, she tells her son to look at the beautiful mustard fields that were in full bloom.


4. What were the excuses that the child envisage that his parents would make?

Ans: The child made his requests for various things in murmurs because he knew that if he asked for sweets, he would be called greedy. Flowers would be termed cheap, he would be considered too old to play with balloons, and listening to the music of the snake charmer was forbidden as it was ‘coarse’.


5. What difference do you notice in the child’s behaviour before and after he gets lost?

Ans: In the initial stages of the story, we see a happy little child, enjoying the scenes and sights all around him. He desires to own some of the things he sees, but gets easily distracted by his mother who encourages her son to enjoy the beauties of nature. He is very afraid of his father. However, after he gets lost, he is seen to be in a state of panic, and does not get pacified by any of the things he was enticed with by his saviour. All that he wanted now, was to be in the secure hands of his dear parents.




Self- Assessment Test

Short Answer Questions

1. Did the child make a deliberate mistake?

2. Do you think that the little boy displayed adamant or arrogant behaviour?

3. Describe the emotional turmoil experienced by the little boy.

4. Why did the child go away from the snake charmer?

5. Describe the mood of the child, when he passed from the mustard field.


Long Answer Questions

1. Write an article on the need to provide security for children in such situations as shown in the story. You are Simson/Simple.

2. Make a diary entry as the man who saved the child.

3. Write a character sketch of the little boy’s father and mother.







1. Did the child make a deliberate mistake?

1. рмкିрм▓ାрмЯି рмПрмХ рм╕ୁрмЪିрми୍рмдିрмд рмнୁрм▓୍ рмХрм░ିрмЫି рмХି?

Ans. No , the child didn't make a deliberate mistake in the lesson '’The Lost Child’ because as we all know that the child is not to ager he didn't have a sense to collaborate with the situation. As he was only a child he also has some desires. His parents must understand that he is a child and should have met his needs.


2. Do you think that the little boy displayed adamant or arrogant behaviour?

2. рмЖрмкрмг рмнାрммୁрмЫрми୍рмдି рмХି рмЫୋрмЯ рмкିрм▓ାрмЯି рмЬିрмж୍ рмзрм░ିрмЫି рмХି рмЕрм╣ଂрмХାрм░ୀ рмЖрмЪрм░рмг рмк୍рм░рмжрм░୍рм╢рми рмХрм░ିрмЫି?

Ans. No, the boy didn’t show any kind of arrogant behaviour rather he was pretty much matured and concerned with his parents. When he was lost and the helpful man offered him all his desires, he refused all the offerings and only wanted his parents.


3. Describe the emotional turmoil experienced by the little boy.

3. рмЫୋрмЯ рмкିрм▓ାрмЯି рмж୍рн▒ାрм░ା рмЕрмиୁрмнрмм рмХрм░ାрмпାрмЗрмеିрммା рмнାрммрмк୍рм░рммрмгрмдା рммрм░୍рмг୍рмгрмиା рмХрм░рми୍рмдୁ

Ans. The little boy realised that he had lost his way, when his request for a ride on the roundabout was met with a silence. When he turned around to look at his parents, he realised that they were not to be seen anywhere. His reaction was a full, deep cry that rose from within his dry throat, his body convulsed and he began crying with fear and anxiety. Wailing loudly, he runs around wildly, shouting out for his parents in absolute desperation.


The little boy at first desired to have everything he saw around but when he got lost and his parents were not with him he lost the desire for them. At that time he only wanted his parents. The author portrays the child's feelings really well. When we have our parents around we take them for granted bit we only understand their true value when they go away from us.


4. Why did the child go away from the snake charmer?

4. рмкିрм▓ାрмЯି рм╕ାрмк рмЪାрм░୍рморм░рмаାрм░ୁ рмХାрм╣ିଁрмХି рмЪାрм▓ିрмЧрм▓ା?

Ans. A snake charmer stood playing a flute to a snake, its head raised in a graceful bend like the neck of a swan. The music stole his attention and attracted the boy toward him, but he knew that his parents would not allow, so he proceeded further.


The child went away from the snake charmer because he knows well that his parents will not accept his demands.


5. Describe the mood of the child, when he passed from the mustard field.

5. рм╕ୋрм░ିрм╖ рмХ୍рм╖େрмдрм░ୁ рмпିрммା рммେрм│େ рм╢ିрм╢ୁрм░ рмормиୋрммрм│ рммрм░୍рмг୍рмгрмиା рмХрм░рми୍рмдୁ


When the child arrived at the mustard field, he was fascinated by the beauty of the field. He saw the butterflies and a bunch of dragon flies blocking the way of the butterflies.


The child was very happy when he was passing through mustard fields. He was delighted by his whole heart seeing the flowering mustard field, a group of dragonflies was flying above those fields and the child was trying to catch some of those dragonflies. All these incidents indicate that child was overjoyed and pleased that time.




Long Answer Questions

1. Write an article on the need to provide security for children in such situations as shown in the story. You are Simson/Simple.

1. рмХାрм╣ାрмгୀрм░େ рмжେрмЦାрмпାрмЗрмеିрммା рмкрм░ି рмкрм░ିрм╕୍рмеିрмдିрм░େ рмкିрм▓ାрмоାрмирмЩ୍рмХ рмкାрмЗଁ рм╕ୁрм░рмХ୍рм╖ା рмк୍рм░рмжାрми рмХрм░ିрммାрм░ рмЖрммрм╢୍рнЯрмХрмдା рмЙрмкрм░େ рмПрмХ рмк୍рм░рммрми୍рмз рм▓େрмЦрми୍рмдୁ рмЖрмкрмг рм╕ିрморм╕рми୍/рм╕рм░рм│


Security for children

By Simson / Simple

It is always a good idea to make sure the kids are with their parents especially in crowded places. It is also important to teach the children the phone numbers of their parents so that they can contact them when they are lost. Like in the story the lost child, the kid was just so excited that the lost the sight of his parents and wandered around looking at the activities happening around the fair.


Tips for Teaching Your Kid What to Do If They Get Lost

Let's explore six lessons you can teach your kids that can keep them safe if they get lost.

Make sure your child memorizes your full name, your phone number, and your address. Some children as young as 3 may be able to remember a parent’s cell phone number. Also, make sure your child knows your first and last names. Keep in mind, however, that some young children might forget your first names since they don’t use them to refer to their parents.

If your child is too young to memorize your information, write it down on a piece of paper and tuck it away in a secure place like a shoe or pocket. Remind your child where the paper is before heading to your destination so they can tell a safe adult that it’s there in case you are separated.

Have your child practice calling your phone. This is particularly useful with older children once they learn to use a phone. You can have them call your cell phone from a landline or another phone.

Teach your child how to ask for help safely. Rather than teach your child not to ever talk to strangers, empower your child and tell them to ask a mom with a child for help. If they can’t spot one, tell them to look for a woman, a store salesperson with a nametag, or a security guard.

Teach them to tell that adult that they are lost and to give their full name, your phone number, your name, and other basic information.

Tell your child to never go looking for you if they get lost. The best thing for them to do is to stay right where they are so that you can come and find them.

Make learning these tips fun. A good way to do that is to watch a safety video like "The Safe Side—Stranger Safety: Hot Tips to Keep Cool Kids Safe With People They Don't Know and Kinda Know," created by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC).

It delivers important safety information, such as what to do when you are separated from your parent, in a fun and easy-to-understand way that’s perfect for children. Watch it as a family every once in a while to refresh their memory.

The NCMEC also operates a website called Kid Smartz. It is filled with valuable information for parents, more videos for kids, and activities that can continue your safety lessons.

Practice the “what ifs” with your child. Go over these tips periodically, especially before heading out to a crowded location such as a park, playground, or another public area.

Keep in mind that you should never put your child in danger when practicing. Simple questions and answers will do.

The NCMEC recommends going over various types of scenarios such as:

  • “What would you do if you couldn’t see me?”
  • “What would you do if you don’t see a mom with a child right away after you realize we had been separated?”
  • “What would you do if a stranger said you should go with them to find me?”

When you are out and about, practice these tips with your child by asking which of the adults around you they would approach if they were lost.







2. Make a diary entry as the man who saved the child.

2. рмкିрм▓ାрмХୁ рммрмЮ୍рмЪାрмЗрмеିрммା рмм୍рнЯрмХ୍рмдି рмнାрммрм░େ рмПрмХ рмбାрмПрм░ୀ рмПрмг୍рмЯ୍рм░ି рмХрм░рми୍рмдୁ


day. time


Dear Diary

Today it was a great day. Today I saved a child's life. I was feeling very proud on me. The child was crossing the road and suddenly I saw a car coming towards him and I jumped towards him. And finally the child was saved. I take the child to his home. At last, the child was happy and I also felt happy for Him.

Good Night.






31 October 2020

8:00 pm

Dear diary

Today was my best day. The child lost his parent in the crowd and he cried to see his parents and I safely take him to his home. I felt very happy by saving the child from the crowd . He smiles at me and tells me thank you for taking me to my home. This made my day very happy.



Text, letter

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09 May 2022


09:30 pm

Dear Diary,

Today I had seen a lost child in the fair, where I had gone. But the main topic that I want to share with you is that the boy I saw today looked innocent and when I saw him, I just remembered my childhood. He was crying and saying that “I want my parents” and I show a feeling of sympathy about him and just want to help him. Finally I had an idea in my mind and just quickly reported to the nearby police station and the good news is that after few hours police found his parents . This was really a memorizing moment for me.

Good night.



3. Write a character sketch of the little boy’s father and mother.

3. рмЫୋрмЯ рмкିрм▓ାрм░ рмкିрмдା рмПрммଂ рмоା'рмЩ୍рмХ рмПрмХ рмЪрм░ିрмд୍рм░ рм╕୍рмХେрмЪ୍ рм▓େрмЦрми୍рмдୁ


In the story the little boy's parents were protective towards their son . The little boy's father was strict but quite good . The little boy's mother wanted her son to enjoy the beauty of nature rather than wasting time on toys . They both wanted their son to be discipline , good . They are impressive and protective towards their son . They both wanted their son to be good, discipline, enjoy his life and know more . So, they did not bought any of the toys for him when the little boy asked for toys . They are really good parents .



Character of the little boy's parents:

The child was very playful and thoroughly fascinated and attracted by all the things he saw when he was with his parents. On route to the fair he pranced about the mustard field, went around the banyan tree, tried to catch the insects in the field, but they got away. His parents always cautioned him to come back to them whenever he let go of their hand. The little boy was attracted by the sweets, toys, garlands etc at the fair, but never really asked for any of them since he knew his parents will not buy it for him. In spite of this, he enjoyed himself thoroughly and was very lively.

But, somewhere in the middle of the fair he was separated from his parents and was completely lost. He was very unhappy when he was not able to find his parents. All his excitement and happiness and attraction towards everything in the fair vanished. He met a kind hearted stranger who offered him many things to pacify him, but he did not want any garlands or toys, just wanted his parents. This shows that the little boy even though playful and desirous of a number of things, but once his parents were not their he was sad and affected by his parents absence. The little boy like any other child missed his parents immensely when he was separated from them.

























The Lost Child - Mulk Raj Anand


Answers to NCERT Questions


1. What are the things the child sees on his way to the fair? Why does he lag behind?

Ans: On his way to the fair, the child sees toys, a host of dragon flies and as he walks along with his parents, he is showered with the petals of fragrant flowers. He is now distracted by doves, and he goes skipping around the banyan tree in search of them. He being a small child lags behind as he is attracted to everything he lays his curious eyes on.

1. рмоେрм│ାрмХୁ рмпିрммା рм╕рморнЯрм░େ рмкିрм▓ାрмЯି рмХ'рмг рмжେрмЦେ? рм╕େ рмХାрм╣ିଁрмХି рмкрмЫрм░େ рм░рм╣ିрмпାрмП ?

рмЙрмд୍рмдрм░: рмоେрм│ାрмХୁ рмпିрммା рм╕рморнЯрм░େ, рмкିрм▓ାрмЯି рмЦେрм│рмиା, рмЕрмиେрмХ рмб୍рм░ାрмЧрми୍ рмоାрмЫି рмжେрмЦେ рмПрммଂ рмпେрмдେрммେрм│େ рм╕େ рмдା рмкିрмдାрмоାрмдାрмЩ୍рмХ рм╕рм╣ିрмд рмЪାрм▓ିрммା рммେрм│େ, рмдାрмХୁ рм╕ୁрмЧрми୍рмзିрмд рмлୁрм▓рм░ рмкାрмЦୁрнЬା рммрм░୍рм╖ା рмоିрм│ିрмеାрмП | рм╕େ рммрм░୍рмд୍рмдрмоାрми рмХрмкୋрмд рмж୍рн▒ାрм░ା рммିрмн୍рм░ାрми୍рмд, рмПрммଂ рм╕େ рм╕େрмоାрмирмЩ୍рмХୁ рмЦୋрмЬିрммା рмкାрмЗଁ рммрм░рмЧрмЫ рмЪାрм░ିрмкାрмЦрм░େ рмбେрмЗଁрммାрмХୁ рм▓ାрмЧିрм▓ା | рм╕େ рмПрмХ рмЫୋрмЯ рмкିрм▓ା рм╣ୋрмЗрмеିрммାрм░ୁ рм╕େ рмкрмЫрм░େ рмЕрмЫି рмХାрм░рмг рм╕େ рмдାрм░ рмХୌрмдୁрм╣рм│рмкୂрм░୍рмг୍рмг рмЖрмЦି рмкрнЬିрмеିрммା рм╕рморм╕୍рмд рмЬିрмиିрм╖ рмк୍рм░рмдି рмЖрмХрм░୍рм╖ିрмд |


2. In the fair he wants many things. What are they? Why does he move on without waiting for an answer?

Ans: At the fair, the little boy murmured softly that he wanted burfi from the sweetmeat seller, flowers from the flower seller, balloons from the balloon seller, and to listen to the music of the snake charmer. He moves on without waiting for an answer because he knew that his parents would find an excuse for not fulfilling any of his demands. The only demand he voiced loudly was that he wanted to go on the roundabout.

2. рмоେрм│ାрм░େ рм╕େ рмЕрмиେрмХ рмЬିрмиିрм╖ рмЪାрм╣ୁଁрмЫрми୍рмдି । рм╕େрмоାрмиେ рмХ'рмг? рмЙрмд୍рмдрм░рмХୁ рмЕрмкେрмХ୍рм╖ା рмирмХрм░ି рм╕େ рмХାрм╣ିଁрмХି рмЖрмЧрмХୁ рммрмврми୍рмдି?

рмЙрмд୍рмдрм░: рмоେрм│ାрм░େ, рмЫୋрмЯ рмкିрм▓ାрмЯି рмзୀрм░େ рмзୀрм░େ рмЧୁрмЬрмм рмХрм▓ା рмпେ рм╕େ рмоିрмаା рмоାଂрм╕ рммିрмХ୍рм░େрмдାрмЩ୍рмХрмаାрм░ୁ рммрм░୍рмлି, рмлୁрм▓ рммିрмХ୍рм░େрмдାрмЩ୍рмХ рмлୁрм▓, рммେрм▓ୁрми୍ рммିрмХ୍рм░େрмдାрмЩ୍рмХ рммେрм▓ୁрми୍ рмПрммଂ рм╕ାрмк рмЪାрм░୍рморм░рмЩ୍рмХ рм╕ଂрмЧୀрмд рм╢ୁрмгିрммାрмХୁ рмЪାрм╣ୁଁрмЫрми୍рмдି | рм╕େ рмЙрмд୍рмдрм░рмХୁ рмЕрмкେрмХ୍рм╖ା рмирмХрм░ି рмЖрмЧрмХୁ рммрмврми୍рмдି рмХାрм░рмг рм╕େ рмЬାрмгିрмеିрм▓େ рмпେ рмдାрмЩ୍рмХ рмкିрмдାрмоାрмдା рмдାрмЩ୍рмХрм░ рмХୌрмгрм╕ି рмжାрммି рмкୂрм░рмг рмирмХрм░ିрммା рмкାрмЗଁ рмПрмХ рммାрм╣ାрмиା рмкାрмЗрммେ | рм╕େ рмЬୋрм░рм░େ рм╕୍рн▒рм░ рмЙрмд୍рмдୋрм│рми рмХрм░ିрмеିрммା рмПрмХрмоାрмд୍рм░ рмжାрммି рм╣େрмЙрмЫି рмпେ рм╕େ рм░ାрмЙрмг୍рмбрмЖрмЙрмЯрм░େ рмпିрммାрмХୁ рмЪାрм╣ୁଁрмеିрм▓େ ।


3. When does he realise that he has lost his way? How have his anxiety and insecurity been described?

Ans: The little boy realised that he had lost his way, when his request for a ride on the roundabout was met with a silence. When he turned around to look at his parents, he realised that they were not to be seen anywhere. His reaction was a full, deep cry that rose from within his dry throat, his body convulsed and he began crying with fear and anxiety. Wailing loudly, he runs around wildly, shouting out for his parents in absolute desperation.

3. рм╕େ рмХେрммେ рм╣ୃрмжрнЯрмЩ୍рмЧрмо рмХрм░рми୍рмдି рмпେ рм╕େ рм░ାрм╕୍рмдା рм╣рм░ାрмЗрмЫрми୍рмдି? рмдାрмЩ୍рмХрм░ рмЪିрми୍рмдା рмПрммଂ рмЕрм╕ୁрм░рмХ୍рм╖ିрмдрмдାрмХୁ рмХିрмкрм░ି рммрм░୍рмг୍рмгрмиା рмХрм░ାрмпାрмЗрмЫି?

рмЙрмд୍рмдрм░: рмЫୋрмЯ рмкିрм▓ାрмЯି рм╣ୃрмжрнЯрмЩ୍рмЧрмо рмХрм▓ା рмпେ рм╕େ рм░ାрм╕୍рмдା рм╣рм░ାрмЗрмЫрми୍рмдି, рмпେрмдେрммେрм│େ рм░ାрмЙрмг୍рмбрмЖрмЙрмЯрм░େ рмпାрмд୍рм░ା рмкାрмЗଁ рмдାрмЩ୍рмХрм░ рмЕрмиୁрм░ୋрмз рмПрмХ рмиୀрм░рммрмдା рм╕рм╣ିрмд рм╕ାрмХ୍рм╖ାрмд рм╣େрм▓ା | рмпେрмдେрммେрм│େ рм╕େ рмдାрмЩ୍рмХ рмкିрмдାрмоାрмдାрмЩ୍рмХୁ рмжେрмЦିрммା рмкାрмЗଁ рммୁрм▓ିрм▓େ, рм╕େ рмЕрмиୁрмнрмм рмХрм▓େ рмпେ рм╕େрмоାрмирмЩ୍рмХୁ рмХୌрмгрм╕ି рм╕୍рмеାрмирм░େ рмжେрмЦାрмпିрмм рмиାрм╣ିଁ | рмдାрмЩ୍рмХрм░ рмк୍рм░рмдିрмХ୍рм░ିрнЯା рмПрмХ рмкୂрм░୍рмг୍рмг, рмЧрмнୀрм░ рмХ୍рм░рми୍рмжрми рмеିрм▓ା рмпାрм╣ା рмдାрмЩ୍рмХ рм╢ୁрмЦିрм▓ା рмЧрм│ା рмнିрмдрм░ୁ рмЙрмаିрмеିрм▓ା, рмдାрмЩ୍рмХ рм╢рм░ୀрм░ рмЖрми୍рмжୋрм│ିрмд рм╣ୋрмЗрмеିрм▓ା рмПрммଂ рм╕େ рмнрнЯ рмПрммଂ рмЪିрми୍рмдାрм░େ рмХାрми୍рмжିрммାрмХୁ рм▓ାрмЧିрм▓େ | рмЬୋрм░рм░େ рмХ୍рм░рми୍рмжрми рмХрм░ି, рм╕େ рмЕрмд୍рнЯрмзିрмХ рм╣рмдାрм╢ рм╣ୋрмЗ рмдାрмЩ୍рмХ рмкିрмдାрмоାрмдାрмЩ୍рмХ рмкାрмЗଁ рмЪିрмд୍рмХାрм░ рмХрм░ି рмжୌрмб଼рми୍рмдି |


4. Why does the lost child lose interest in the things that he had wanted earlier?

Ans: The boy was suddenly noticed by a man in the crowd who lifted him in his arms and tried to console him. In his attempt at calming down the child, he offers him everything the child had been wanting his parents to buy him. He has only one reply to the gentleman and that was, “I want my mother, I want my father. The little child loses interest in everything around him because he yearns to be with his family, who he had left behind somewhere in the crowded fair as he absent-mindedly capers around enjoying and wanting the various things on display.

4. рм╣рмЬିрмпାрмЗрмеିрммା рмкିрм▓ାрмЯି рмкୂрм░୍рммрм░ୁ рмЪାрм╣ୁଁрмеିрммା рмЬିрмиିрм╖рмк୍рм░рмдି рмЖрмЧ୍рм░рм╣ рмХାрм╣ିଁрмХି рм╣рм░ାрмЗрмеାрмП?

рмЙрмд୍рмдрм░: рммାрм│рмХрмЯି рм╣рмаାрмд୍ рмнିрмб଼ рмормз୍рнЯрм░େ рмеିрммା рмЬрмгେ рмм୍рнЯрмХ୍рмдି рмжେрмЦିрм▓ା рмпିрмП рмдାрмЩ୍рмХୁ рмХୋрм│рм░େ рмЙрмаାрмЗ рм╕ାрми୍рмд୍рн▒рмиା рмжେрммାрмХୁ рмЪେрм╖୍рмЯା рмХрм▓ା | рмкିрм▓ାрмХୁ рм╢ାрми୍рмд рмХрм░ିрммାрмХୁ рмЪେрм╖୍рмЯା рмХрм░ି, рм╕େ рмдାрмЩ୍рмХୁ рмкିрм▓ାрмЯି рмЪାрм╣ୁଁрмеିрммା рм╕рморм╕୍рмд рмЬିрмиିрм╖ рмк୍рм░рмжାрми рмХрм░େ рмпାрм╣ା рмдାрмЩ୍рмХ рмкିрмдାрмоାрмдା рмдାрмЩ୍рмХୁ рмХିрмгрми୍рмдୁ | рмнрмж୍рм░рмм୍рнЯрмХ୍рмдିрмЩ୍рмХୁ рмдାрмЩ୍рмХрм░ рмХେрммрм│ рмЧୋрмЯିрмП рмЙрмд୍рмдрм░ рмЕрмЫି рмПрммଂ рмдାрм╣ା рмеିрм▓ା, "рмоୁଁ рмоୋ рмоା рмЪାрм╣ୁଁрмЫି, рмоୁଁ рмоୋ рммାрмкାрмЩ୍рмХୁ рмЪାрм╣ୁଁрмЫି | рмЫୋрмЯ рмкିрм▓ାрмЯି рмдାрмЩ୍рмХ рмЪାрм░ିрмкାрмЦрм░େ рмеିрммା рм╕рморм╕୍рмд рмЬିрмиିрм╖ рмк୍рм░рмдି рмЖрмЧ୍рм░рм╣ рм╣рм░ାрмЗрмеାрмП рмХାрм░рмг рм╕େ рмдାрмЩ୍рмХ рмкрм░ିрммାрм░ рм╕рм╣ିрмд рм░рм╣ିрммାрмХୁ рмЗрмЪ୍рмЫା рмХрм░рми୍рмдି, рмпାрм╣ାрмХୁ рм╕େ рмЬрмирмЧрм╣рм│ିрмкୂрм░୍рмг୍рмг рмоେрм│ାрм░େ рмХୌрмгрм╕ି рм╕୍рмеାрмирм░େ рмЫାрмбି рмжେрмЗрмеିрм▓େ рмХାрм░рмг рм╕େ рмЕрмиୁрмкрм╕୍рмеିрмд рмнାрммрм░େ рмЙрмкрмнୋрмЧ рмХрм░ୁрмеିрммା рмПрммଂ рмк୍рм░рмжрм░୍рм╢рмирм░େ рммିрмнିрми୍рми рмЬିрмиିрм╖ рмЪାрм╣ୁଁрмеିрм▓େ |


5. What do you think happens in the end? Does the child find his parents?

Ans: The author has always empathised with the weak, troubled, suppressed and down trodden. In this lesson, the little child, who loses his parents as he innocently saunters into the fair, is desperate, anxious, and inconsolable. A good Samaritan picks up the boy and tries his best to pacify him and offers him toys, sweets, flowers and balloons to stop the outburst and wailing. The author has introduced this character, who was different from all the other indifferent and unconcerned people in the crowd, with the intention of a happy ending. He would have definitely gone out of his way to unite the child with his parents. On the other hand, the parents also would have made intense efforts to secure their child, and the threesome would have been united.


5. рм╢େрм╖рм░େ рмХ'рмг рмШрмЯେ рммୋрм▓ି рмЖрмкрмг рмнାрммୁрмЫрми୍рмдି? рмкିрм▓ାрмЯି рмдାрмЩ୍рмХ рмкିрмдାрмоାрмдାрмЩ୍рмХୁ рмкାрмЗрмеାрмП рмХି?

рмЙрмд୍рмдрм░: рм▓େрмЦрмХ рм╕рм░୍рммрмжା рмжୁрм░୍рммрм│, рмЕрм╕ୁрммିрмзାрмЧ୍рм░рм╕୍рмд, рмжрморми рмПрммଂ рмжрм│ିрмдрмоାрмирмЩ୍рмХ рм╕рм╣ିрмд рм╕рм╣ାрмиୁрмнୂрмдି рмк୍рм░рмХାрм╢ рмХрм░ିрмЫрми୍рмдି | рмПрм╣ି рм╢ିрмХ୍рм╖ାрм░େ, рмЫୋрмЯ рмкିрм▓ା, рмпିрмП рмиିрм░ୀрм╣ рмнାрммрм░େ рмоେрм│ାрм░େ рммୁрм▓ୁрмеିрммାрм░ୁ рмкିрмдାрмоାрмдାрмЩ୍рмХୁ рм╣рм░ାрмЗрмеାрмП, рм╣рмдାрм╢, рмЪିрми୍рмдିрмд рмПрммଂ рмЕрм╕рмо୍рмнାрм│ | рмЬрмгେ рмнрм▓ рм╕рморм░ିрмЯାрми୍ рммାрм│рмХрмХୁ рмЙрмаାрмЗ рмдାрмЩ୍рмХୁ рм╢ାрми୍рмд рмХрм░ିрммାрмХୁ рмпрмеାрм╕рмо୍рмнрмм рмЪେрм╖୍рмЯା рмХрм░рми୍рмдି рмПрммଂ рммିрм╕୍рмлୋрм░рмг рмПрммଂ рмХ୍рм░рми୍рмжрмирммрми୍рмж рмХрм░ିрммା рмкାрмЗଁ рмдାрмЩ୍рмХୁ рмЦେрм│рмиା, рмоିрмаା, рмлୁрм▓ рмПрммଂ рммେрм▓ୁрми୍ рмк୍рм░рмжାрми рмХрм░рми୍рмдି | рм▓େрмЦрмХ рмПрм╣ି рмЪрм░ିрмд୍рм░рмХୁ рмкрм░ିрмЪିрмд рмХрм░ାрмЗрмЫрми୍рмдି, рмпିрмП рмПрмХ рм╕ୁрмЦрмж рм╕рмоାрмк୍рмдି рмЙрмж୍рмжେрм╢୍рнЯрм░େ рмнିрмб଼рм░େ рмеିрммା рмЕрми୍рнЯ рм╕рморм╕୍рмд рмЙрмжାрм╕ୀрми рмПрммଂ рмЕрмЪିрми୍рмдିрмд рм▓ୋрмХрмЩ୍рмХрмаାрм░ୁ рмнିрми୍рми рмеିрм▓େ | рм╕େ рмиିрм╢୍рмЪିрмд рмнାрммрм░େ рмкିрм▓ାрмХୁ рмдାрмЩ୍рмХ рмкିрмдାрмоାрмдାрмЩ୍рмХ рм╕рм╣ିрмд рмПрмХрмд୍рм░ рмХрм░ିрммାрмХୁ рмдାрмЩ୍рмХ рм░ାрм╕୍рмдାрм░ୁ рммାрм╣ାрм░рмХୁ рмпାрмЗрмеାрми୍рмдେ | рмЕрмкрм░рмкрмХ୍рм╖рм░େ, рмкିрмдାрмоାрмдାрмоାрмиେ рмормз୍рнЯ рм╕େрмоାрмирмЩ୍рмХ рмкିрм▓ାрмЩ୍рмХୁ рм╕ୁрм░рмХ୍рм╖ିрмд рм░рмЦିрммା рмкାрмЗଁ рмдୀрмм୍рм░ рмк୍рм░рнЯାрм╕ рмХрм░ିрмеାрми୍рмдେ, рмПрммଂ рмдିрмиିрмЬрмг рмПрмХрмЬୁрмЯ рм╣ୋрмЗрмеାрми୍рмдେ |




Additional Questions

Short Answer Questions (30-40 words: 2 Marks each)


1. How does the author introduce the lesson?

Ans: The author introduces the lesson with the spring season when rural India celebrates the occasion with fun, fair and festivities. The story begins with a picture of colourfully dressed people who are walking, riding or being carried along the road. The atmosphere is full of joy and laughter.

1. рм▓େрмЦрмХ рмХିрмкрм░ି рм╢ିрмХ୍рм╖ା рм░ рмкрм░ିрмЪрнЯ рмжିрмЕрми୍рмдି?

рмЙрмд୍рмдрм░: рм▓େрмЦрмХ рммрм╕рми୍рмд рмЛрмдୁ рм╕рм╣ିрмд рм╢ିрмХ୍рм╖ା рм░ рмкрм░ିрмЪрнЯ рмжିрмЕрми୍рмдି рмпେрмдେрммେрм│େ рмЧ୍рм░ାрмоୀрмг рмнାрм░рмд рмормЬା, рмиିрм░рмкେрмХ୍рм╖ рмПрммଂ рмЙрмд୍рм╕рмм рм╕рм╣ିрмд рмПрм╣ି рмЙрмд୍рм╕рмм рмкାрм│рми рмХрм░େ | рмХାрм╣ାрмгୀрмЯି рм░рмЩ୍рмЧୀрми рмкୋрм╖ାрмХ рмкିрми୍рмзିрмеିрммା рм▓ୋрмХрмЩ୍рмХ рмЪିрмд୍рм░рм░ୁ рмЖрм░рмо୍рмн рм╣ୁрмП рмпେрмЙଁрмоାрмиେ рм░ାрм╕୍рмдାрм░େ рмЪାрм▓ୁрмЫрми୍рмдି, рмЪрмвୁрмЫрми୍рмдି рмХିрмо୍рммା рммрм╣рми рмХрм░ୁрмЫрми୍рмдି | рммାрмдାрммрм░рмг рмЖрмирми୍рмж рмПрммଂ рм╣рм╕рм░େ рмкрм░ିрмкୂрм░୍рмг୍рмг |


2. How has the child been introduced?

Ans: The child has been shown to be displaying all the characteristics of any child of his age. He is happy and eager to go to the fair, jumping along aimlessly, and wishing to possess everything he laid his eyes on. However, he does not voice his desires loudly because he is aware of the strictness of his thrifty parents. A naughty, lively, obedient and affectionate character.

2. рм╢ିрм╢ୁрмЯି рмХିрмкрм░ି рмкрм░ିрмЪିрмд рм╣ୋрмЗрмЫି?

рмЙрмд୍рмдрм░: рмкିрм▓ାрмЯି рмдାрмЩ୍рмХ рммрнЯрм╕рм░ рмпେрмХୌрмгрм╕ି рм╕рми୍рмдାрмирм░ рм╕рморм╕୍рмд рммୈрм╢ିрм╖୍рмЯ୍рнЯ рмк୍рм░рмжрм░୍рм╢рми рмХрм░ୁрмеିрммା рмжେрмЦାрмпାрмЗрмЫି | рм╕େ рмЦୁрм╕ି рмПрммଂ рмоେрм│ାрмХୁ рмпିрммାрмХୁ рмЖрмЧ୍рм░рм╣ୀ, рм▓рмХ୍рм╖୍рнЯрм╣ୀрми рмнାрммрм░େ рмбେрмЗଁрмЫрми୍рмдି, рмПрммଂ рм╕େ рмЖрмЦି рм░рмЦିрмеିрммା рм╕рморм╕୍рмд рмЬିрмиିрм╖ рм░рмЦିрммାрмХୁ рмЗрмЪ୍рмЫା рмХрм░ୁрмЫрми୍рмдି | рмдрмеାрмкି, рм╕େ рмЬୋрм░рм░େ рмиିрмЬрм░ рмЗрмЪ୍рмЫାрмХୁ рм╕୍рн▒рм░ рмжିрмЕрми୍рмдି рмиାрм╣ିଁ рмХାрм░рмг рм╕େ рмдାрмЩ୍рмХ рмХрмаିрми рмкିрмдାрмоାрмдାрмЩ୍рмХ рмХрмаୋрм░рмдା рммିрм╖рнЯрм░େ рмЕрммрмЧрмд рмЕрмЫрми୍рмдି | рмПрмХ рмжୁрм╖୍рмЯ, рмЬୀрммрми୍рмд, рмЖрмЬ୍рмЮାрмХାрм░ୀ рмПрммଂ рм╕୍рмиେрм╣рмкୂрм░୍рмг୍рмг рмЪрм░ିрмд୍рм░ |


3. His mother, melted by the free spirit of the day was tender and giving him her finger to hold, said, “look child, what is before you! Explain.

Ans: The tender heart of the mother melts when her son is upset for having been refused a toy by his father. To pacify him, divert his attention, and to enjoy the day whole-heartedly, she tells her son to look at the beautiful mustard fields that were in full bloom.

3. рмжିрмирм░ рмоୁрмХ୍рмд рмЖрмд୍рмоା рмж୍рн▒ାрм░ା рмдрм░рм│ିрмпାрмЗрмеିрммା рмдାрмЩ୍рмХ рмоା рмХୋрморм│ рмеିрм▓େ рмПрммଂ рмдାрмЩ୍рмХୁ рмзрм░ିрммା рмкାрмЗଁ рмЖрмЩ୍рмЧୁрмаି рмжେрмЗрмеିрм▓େ, рмХрм╣ିрмеିрм▓େ, "рмкିрм▓ାрмжେрмЦାрмпାрмЙ, рмЖрмкрмгрмЩ୍рмХ рмЖрмЧрм░େ рмХ'рмг рмЕрмЫି! рмм୍рнЯାрмЦ୍рнЯା рмХрм░рми୍рмдୁ।

рмЙрмд୍рмдрм░: рмпେрмдେрммେрм│େ рмдାрмЩ୍рмХ рмкୁрмЕ рмдାрмЩ୍рмХ рмкିрмдାрмЩ୍рмХ рмж୍рн▒ାрм░ା рмЦେрм│рмиା рмормиା рмХрм░ିрмжେрмЗрмеିрммାрм░ୁ рммିрм░рмХ୍рмд рм╣ୁрмП рм╕େрмдେрммେрм│େ рмоା'рм░ рмХୋрморм│ рм╣ୃрмжрнЯ рмдрм░рм│ିрмпାрмП | рмдାрмЩ୍рмХୁ рм╢ାрми୍рмд рмХрм░ିрммା, рмз୍рнЯାрми рм╣рмЯାрмЗрммା рмПрммଂ рмжିрмирмХୁ рм╣ୃрмжрнЯрм░ୁ рмЙрмкрмнୋрмЧ рмХрм░ିрммାрмХୁ, рм╕େ рмдାрмЩ୍рмХ рмкୁрмЕрмХୁ рмкୂрм░୍рмг୍рмг рмлୁрм▓рм░େ рмеିрммା рм╕ୁрми୍рмжрм░ рм╕ୋрм░ିрм╖ рмХ୍рм╖େрмдрмХୁ рмжେрмЦିрммା рмкାрмЗଁ рмХୁрм╣рми୍рмдି |


4. What were the excuses that the child envisage that his parents would make?

Ans: The child made his requests for various things in murmurs because he knew that if he asked for sweets, he would be called greedy. Flowers would be termed cheap, he would be considered too old to play with balloons, and listening to the music of the snake charmer was forbidden as it was ‘coarse’.

4. рмкିрм▓ାрмЯି рмдାрмЩ୍рмХ рмкିрмдାрмоାрмдା рмХ'рмг рммାрм╣ାрмиା рмХрм░ିрммେ рммୋрм▓ି рмкрм░ିрмХрм│୍рмкрмиା рмХрм░ିрмеିрм▓େ?

рмЙрмд୍рмдрм░: рмкିрм▓ାрмЯି рмЧୁрмЬрммрм░େ рммିрмнିрми୍рми рмЬିрмиିрм╖ рмкାрмЗଁ рмЕрмиୁрм░ୋрмз рмХрм░ିрмеିрм▓ା рмХାрм░рмг рм╕େ рмЬାрмгିрмеିрм▓େ рмпେ рмпрмжି рм╕େ рмоିрмаା рмоାрмЧрми୍рмдି, рмдେрммେ рмдାрмЩ୍рмХୁ рм▓ୋрмнୀ рмХୁрм╣ାрмпିрмм | рмлୁрм▓рмХୁ рм╢рм╕୍рмдା рмХୁрм╣ାрмпିрмм, рмдାрмЩ୍рмХୁ рммେрм▓ୁрми୍ рм╕рм╣ିрмд рмЦେрм│ିрммା рмкାрмЗଁ рммрм╣ୁрмд рммрнЯрм╕୍рмХ рммୋрм▓ି рммିрммେрмЪрмиା рмХрм░ାрмпିрмм, рмПрммଂ рм╕ାрмк рмЪାрм░୍рморм░рмЩ୍рмХ рм╕ଂрмЧୀрмд рм╢ୁрмгିрммା рмиିрм╖େрмз рмеିрм▓ା рмХାрм░рмг рмПрм╣ା 'рмоୋрмЯା' рмеିрм▓ା |


5. What difference do you notice in the child’s behaviour before and after he gets lost?

Ans: In the initial stages of the story, we see a happy little child, enjoying the scenes and sights all around him. He desires to own some of the things he sees, but gets easily distracted by his mother who encourages her son to enjoy the beauties of nature. He is very afraid of his father. However, after he gets lost, he is seen to be in a state of panic, and does not get pacified by any of the things he was enticed with by his saviour. All that he wanted now, was to be in the secure hands of his dear parents.

5. рм╕େ рм╣рмЬିрмпିрммା рмкୂрм░୍рммрм░ୁ рмПрммଂ рмкрм░େ рм╢ିрм╢ୁрм░ рмЖрмЪрм░рмгрм░େ рмЖрмкрмг рмХେрмЙଁ рмкାрм░୍рмермХ୍рнЯ рм▓рмХ୍рм╖୍рнЯ рмХрм░рми୍рмдି?

рмЙрмд୍рмдрм░: рмХାрм╣ାрмгୀрм░ рмк୍рм░ାрм░рмо୍рмнିрмХ рмкрм░୍рмп୍рнЯାрнЯрм░େ, рмЖрмоେ рмПрмХ рмЦୁрм╕ି рмЫୋрмЯ рмкିрм▓ାрмХୁ рмжେрмЦୁ, рмдାрмЩ୍рмХ рмЪାрм░ିрмкାрмЦрм░େ рмжୃрм╢୍рнЯ рмПрммଂ рмжୃрм╢୍рнЯрмЙрмкрмнୋрмЧ рмХрм░ୁ | рм╕େ рмжେрмЦୁрмеିрммା рмХିрмЫି рмЬିрмиିрм╖рм░ рмоାрм▓ିрмХ рм╣େрммାрмХୁ рмЪାрм╣ାଁрми୍рмдି, рмХିрми୍рмдୁ рмдାрмЩ୍рмХ рмоା'рмЩ୍рмХ рмж୍рн▒ାрм░ା рм╕рм╣рмЬрм░େ рммିрмн୍рм░ାрми୍рмд рм╣ୁрмЕрми୍рмдି рмпିрмП рмдାрмЩ୍рмХ рмкୁрмЕрмХୁ рмк୍рм░рмХୃрмдିрм░ рм╕ୁрми୍рмжрм░ୀрмЙрмкрмнୋрмЧ рмХрм░ିрммାрмХୁ рмЙрмд୍рм╕ାрм╣ିрмд рмХрм░рми୍рмдି | рм╕େ рмдାрмЩ୍рмХ рмкିрмдାрмЩ୍рмХୁ рммрм╣ୁрмд рмнрнЯ рмХрм░рми୍рмдି । рмдрмеାрмкି, рм╕େ рм╣рмЬିрмпିрммା рмкрм░େ, рм╕େ рмнрнЯрмнୀрмд рмЕрммрм╕୍рмеାрм░େ рмеିрммାрм░ рмжେрмЦାрмпାрмП, рмПрммଂ рмдାрмЩ୍рмХ рмд୍рм░ାрмгрмХрм░୍рмд୍рмдା рмЩ୍рмХ рмж୍рн▒ାрм░ା рмк୍рм░рм▓ୋрмнିрмд рм╣ୋрмЗрмеିрммା рмХୌрмгрм╕ି рмЬିрмиିрм╖ рмж୍рн▒ାрм░ା рм╢ାрми୍рмд рм╣ୁрмЕрми୍рмдି рмиାрм╣ିଁ | рм╕େ рммрм░୍рмд୍рмдрмоାрми рмпାрм╣ା рмЪାрм╣ୁଁрмеିрм▓େ, рмдାрм╣ା рм╣େрмЙрмЫି рмдାрмЩ୍рмХ рмк୍рм░ିрнЯ рмкିрмдାрмоାрмдାрмЩ୍рмХ рм╕ୁрм░рмХ୍рм╖ିрмд рм╣ାрмдрм░େ рм░рм╣ିрммା |





Self- Assessment Test

Short Answer Questions

1. Did the child make a deliberate mistake?

1. рмкିрм▓ାрмЯି рмПрмХ рм╕ୁрмЪିрми୍рмдିрмд рмнୁрм▓୍ рмХрм░ିрмЫି рмХି?

Ans. No , the child didn't make a deliberate mistake in the lesson '’The Lost Child’ because as we all know that the child is not to ager he didn't have a sense to collaborate with the situation. As he was only a child he also has some desires. His parents must understand that he is a child and should have met his needs.


2. Do you think that the little boy displayed adamant or arrogant behaviour?

2. рмЖрмкрмг рмнାрммୁрмЫрми୍рмдି рмХି рмЫୋрмЯ рмкିрм▓ାрмЯି рмЬିрмж୍ рмзрм░ିрмЫି рмХି рмЕрм╣ଂрмХାрм░ୀ рмЖрмЪрм░рмг рмк୍рм░рмжрм░୍рм╢рми рмХрм░ିрмЫି?

Ans. No, the boy didn’t show any kind of arrogant behaviour rather he was pretty much matured and concerned with his parents. When he was lost and the helpful man offered him all his desires, he refused all the offerings and only wanted his parents.


3. Describe the emotional turmoil experienced by the little boy.

3. рмЫୋрмЯ рмкିрм▓ାрмЯି рмж୍рн▒ାрм░ା рмЕрмиୁрмнрмм рмХрм░ାрмпାрмЗрмеିрммା рмнାрммрмк୍рм░рммрмгрмдା рммрм░୍рмг୍рмгрмиା рмХрм░рми୍рмдୁ ।

Ans. The little boy realised that he had lost his way, when his request for a ride on the roundabout was met with a silence. When he turned around to look at his parents, he realised that they were not to be seen anywhere. His reaction was a full, deep cry that rose from within his dry throat, his body convulsed and he began crying with fear and anxiety. Wailing loudly, he runs around wildly, shouting out for his parents in absolute desperation.


The little boy at first desired to have everything he saw around but when he got lost and his parents were not with him he lost the desire for them. At that time he only wanted his parents. The author portrays the child's feelings really well. When we have our parents around we take them for granted bit we only understand their true value when they go away from us.


4. Why did the child go away from the snake charmer?

4. рмкିрм▓ାрмЯି рм╕ାрмк рмЪାрм░୍рморм░рмаାрм░ୁ рмХାрм╣ିଁрмХି рмЪାрм▓ିрмЧрм▓ା?

Ans. A snake charmer stood playing a flute to a snake, its head raised in a graceful bend like the neck of a swan. The music stole his attention and attracted the boy toward him, but he knew that his parents would not allow, so he proceeded further.


The child went away from the snake charmer because he knows well that his parents will not accept his demands.


5. Describe the mood of the child, when he passed from the mustard field.

5. рм╕ୋрм░ିрм╖ рмХ୍рм╖େрмдрм░ୁ рмпିрммା рммେрм│େ рм╢ିрм╢ୁрм░ рмормиୋрммрм│ рммрм░୍рмг୍рмгрмиା рмХрм░рми୍рмдୁ ।


When the child arrived at the mustard field, he was fascinated by the beauty of the field. He saw the butterflies and a bunch of dragon flies blocking the way of the butterflies.


The child was very happy when he was passing through mustard fields. He was delighted by his whole heart seeing the flowering mustard field, a group of dragonflies was flying above those fields and the child was trying to catch some of those dragonflies. All these incidents indicate that child was overjoyed and pleased that time.




Long Answer Questions

1. Write an article on the need to provide security for children in such situations as shown in the story. You are Simson/Simple.

1. рмХାрм╣ାрмгୀрм░େ рмжେрмЦାрмпାрмЗрмеିрммା рмкрм░ି рмкрм░ିрм╕୍рмеିрмдିрм░େ рмкିрм▓ାрмоାрмирмЩ୍рмХ рмкାрмЗଁ рм╕ୁрм░рмХ୍рм╖ା рмк୍рм░рмжାрми рмХрм░ିрммାрм░ рмЖрммрм╢୍рнЯрмХрмдା рмЙрмкрм░େ рмПрмХ рмк୍рм░рммрми୍рмз рм▓େрмЦрми୍рмдୁ рмЖрмкрмг рм╕ିрморм╕рми୍/рм╕рм░рм│


Security for children

By Simson / Simple

It is always a good idea to make sure the kids are with their parents especially in crowded places. It is also important to teach the children the phone numbers of their parents so that they can contact them when they are lost. Like in the story the lost child, the kid was just so excited that the lost the sight of his parents and wandered around looking at the activities happening around the fair.


Tips for Teaching Your Kid What to Do If They Get Lost

Let's explore six lessons you can teach your kids that can keep them safe if they get lost.

Make sure your child memorizes your full name, your phone number, and your address. Some children as young as 3 may be able to remember a parent’s cell phone number. Also, make sure your child knows your first and last names. Keep in mind, however, that some young children might forget your first names since they don’t use them to refer to their parents.

If your child is too young to memorize your information, write it down on a piece of paper and tuck it away in a secure place like a shoe or pocket. Remind your child where the paper is before heading to your destination so they can tell a safe adult that it’s there in case you are separated.

Have your child practice calling your phone. This is particularly useful with older children once they learn to use a phone. You can have them call your cell phone from a landline or another phone.

Teach your child how to ask for help safely. Rather than teach your child not to ever talk to strangers, empower your child and tell them to ask a mom with a child for help. If they can’t spot one, tell them to look for a woman, a store salesperson with a nametag, or a security guard.

Teach them to tell that adult that they are lost and to give their full name, your phone number, your name, and other basic information.

Tell your child to never go looking for you if they get lost. The best thing for them to do is to stay right where they are so that you can come and find them.

Make learning these tips fun. A good way to do that is to watch a safety video like "The Safe Side—Stranger Safety: Hot Tips to Keep Cool Kids Safe With People They Don't Know and Kinda Know," created by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC).

It delivers important safety information, such as what to do when you are separated from your parent, in a fun and easy-to-understand way that’s perfect for children. Watch it as a family every once in a while to refresh their memory.

The NCMEC also operates a website called Kid Smartz. It is filled with valuable information for parents, more videos for kids, and activities that can continue your safety lessons.

Practice the “what ifs” with your child. Go over these tips periodically, especially before heading out to a crowded location such as a park, playground, or another public area.

Keep in mind that you should never put your child in danger when practicing. Simple questions and answers will do.

The NCMEC recommends going over various types of scenarios such as:

  • “What would you do if you couldn’t see me?”
  • “What would you do if you don’t see a mom with a child right away after you realize we had been separated?”
  • “What would you do if a stranger said you should go with them to find me?”

When you are out and about, practice these tips with your child by asking which of the adults around you they would approach if they were lost.







2. Make a diary entry as the man who saved the child.

2. рмкିрм▓ାрмХୁ рммрмЮ୍рмЪାрмЗрмеିрммା рмм୍рнЯрмХ୍рмдି рмнାрммрм░େ рмПрмХ рмбାрмПрм░ୀ рмПрмг୍рмЯ୍рм░ି рмХрм░рми୍рмдୁ


day. time


Dear Diary

Today it was a great day.Today I saved a child's life. I was feeling very proud on me.The child was crossing the road and suddenly I saw a car coming towards him and I jumped towards him.And finnaly the child was saved. I take the child to his home. At last the child was happy and I also felt happy for Him.

GooD NigHt.






31 October 2020

8:00 pm

Dear diary

Today was my best day. The child lost his parent in the crowd and he cried to see his parents and I safely take him to his home. I felt very happy by saving the child from the crowd . He smiles at me and tells me thank you for taking me to my home. This made my day very happy.



3. Write a character sketch of the little boy’s father and mother.

3. рмЫୋрмЯ рмкିрм▓ାрм░ рмкିрмдା рмПрммଂ рмоା'рмЩ୍рмХ рмПрмХ рмЪрм░ିрмд୍рм░ рм╕୍рмХେрмЪ୍ рм▓େрмЦрми୍рмдୁ ।


In the story the little boy's parents were protective towards their son . The little boy's father was strict but quite good . The little boy's mother wanted her son to enjoy the beauty of nature rather than wasting time on toys . They both wanted their son to be discipline , good . They are impressive and protective towards their son . They both wanted their son to be good, discipline, enjoy his life and know more . So, they did not bought any of the toys for him when the little boy asked for toys . They are really good parents .



Character of the little boy's parents:

The child was very playful and thoroughly fascinated and attracted by all the things he saw when he was with his parents. On route to the fair he pranced about the mustard field, went around the banyan tree, tried to catch the insects in the field, but they got away. His parents always cautioned him to come back to them whenever he let go of their hand. The little boy was attracted by the sweets, toys, garlands etc at the fair, but never really asked for any of them since he knew his parents will not buy it for him. In spite of this, he enjoyed himself thoroughly and was very lively.

But, somewhere in the middle of the fair he was separated from his parents and was completely lost. He was very unhappy when he was not able to find his parents. All his excitement and happiness and attraction towards everything in the fair vanished. He met a kind hearted stranger who offered him many things to pacify him, but he did not want any garlands or toys, just wanted his parents. This shows that the little boy even though playful and desirous of a number of things, but once his parents were not their he was sad and affected by his parents absence. The little boy like any other child missed his parents immensely when he was separated from them.



