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Social Studies - 10th



Q (1):

When and why was Zollverein formed? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) To harness economic interests which lead to national unification of Germany in 1837.

( b ) To harness economic interests which lead to national unification of Italy in 1834.

( c ) To harness economic interests which lead to national unification of Germany in 1834.

( d ) To harness economic interests which lead to national unification of Germany in 1839.


Q (2): Choose the correct option:

Why France had to lose territories annexed under Napoleon? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) According to provisions of The Treaty of Paris, France had to lose territories annexed under Napoleon.

( b ) According to provisions of The Treaty of Vietnam, France had to lose territories annexed under Napoleon.

( c ) According to provisions of The Treaty of Versailles, France had to lose territories annexed under Napoleon.

( d ) According to provisions of The Treaty of Vienna, France had to lose territories annexed under Napoleon.


Q (3): Choose the correct option:

Clerical privileges were put to an end by which of the following? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Clerical privileges were put to an end by feudalism.

( b ) Clerical privileges were put to an end by rule of law.

( c ) Clerical privileges were put to an end by democracy.

( d ) Clerical privileges were put to an end by liberalism.


Q (4): Find the incorrect option : (MCQ) [1]

( a ) The first upheaval took place in France in July 1930.

( b ) The Bourbon kings who had been restored to power during the conservative reaction after 1815, were now overthrown by liberal revolutionaries who installed a constitutional monarchy with Louis Philippe at its head.

( c ) ‘When America Sneezes' Metternich once remarked, 'the rest of the Europe catches cold.'

( d ) The July Revolution sparked an uprising in Brussels which led to Belgium breaking away from the United Kingdom of the Netherlands.


Q (5): Choose the correct statement. (MCQ) [1]

( a ) The Civil Code of 1808 - usually known as the Napoleonic code - did not give away with all privileges based on birth, abolished equality before the law, and secured the right to property.

( b ) The Civil Code of 1804 - usually known as the Napoleonic code - did give away with all privileges based on birth, established equality before the law, and secured the right to property.

( c ) The Civil Code of 1809 - usually known as the Napoleonic code - did not give away with all privileges based on birth, abolished equality before the law, and secured the right to property.


Q (6): Why did French artist, Frederic Sorrieu prepare a series of print based on democratic and socialist republics in 1848? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) To depict his realistic vision, the peoples of the world are grouped as distinct nations, through their fags and national costumes, ofering homage to the Litle Mermaid Statue.

( b ) To depict his Utopian vision, the peoples of the world are grouped as distinct nations, through their fags and national costumes, ofering homage to the Statue of Liberty.

( c ) To depict his realistic vision, the peoples of the world are grouped as distinct nations, through their languages and national emblems, ofering homage to the Litle Mermaid Statue.

( d ) To depict his Utopian vision, the peoples of the world are grouped as distinct nations, through their languages and national emblems, ofering homage to the Statue of Liberty.


Q (7): Name the event that mobilised nationalist feelings among the educated elite across Europe in 1830-1848. (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Renunciation of the French Monarch.

( b ) French Revolution.

( c ) October Revolution.

( d ) The Greek War of Independence.


Q (8): Fill in the blank:

The French revolution led to the transfer of ____ from the monarch to a body of French citizens. (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Secular

( b ) Sovereignty

( c ) Liberty

( d ) Freedom


Q (9): Fill in the blank:

The main objective of The Treaty of Vienna was to undo most of the changes that had come in _____ during the time of Napoleon. (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Europe

( b ) Australia

( c ) Asia

( d ) America


Q (10): Fill in the blank:

Educated middle class of _____ also started a revolution for the abdication of the monarchs in Europe. (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Germany

( b ) Austria

( c ) Greece

( d ) France


Q (11): Fill in the blank:

The Kingdom of Netherlands, which included _____, was set up in the north. (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Germany

( b ) France

( c ) Austria

( d ) Belgium


Q (12): Choose the correct option:

Mazzini believed someone had intended nations to be the natural units of mankind. Who is 'someone' the sentence refers to? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) "Someone" is referred to God in the sentence.

( b ) "Someone" is referred to citizens of France in the sentence.

( c ) "Someone" is referred to citizens of Germany in the sentence.

( d ) "Someone" is referred to Napoleon in the sentence.


Q (13): State whether true or false:

The right to get elected was restricted to only the property-owning men as per the liberals. (MCQ) [1]

( a ) True

( b ) False


Q (14): Fill in the blank:

_____ developed through culture in Europe. (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Socialism

( b ) Regionalism

( c ) Nationalism

( d ) Anti nationalism


Q (15): Fill in the blank:

Marianne images were marked on coins and _____. (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Magnets

( b ) Flags

( c ) Notes

( d ) Stamps


Q (16): Who were liberal nationalists? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) The liberal nationalists belonged to the educated lower class, among whom were the bakers, grocers, clerks and members of the commercial middle classes.

( b ) The liberal nationalists belonged to the educated middle class elite, among whom were the professors, school teachers, clerks and members of the commercial middle classes.

( c ) The liberal nationalists belonged to the educated lower class, among whom were the bakers, grocers, clerks and members of the commercial lower classes.

( d ) The liberal nationalists belonged to the educated upper class elite, among whom were the professors, school teachers, bankers and members of the commercial upper classes.


Q (17): State whether true or false:

Prussia was given a part of Saxony. (MCQ) [1]

( a ) True

( b ) False


Q (18): Choose the correct option:

Who were forbidden to wear their national dress? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) The Turkish Highlanders were forbidden to wear their national dress.

( b ) The Scottish Highlanders were forbidden to wear their national dress.

( c ) The American Highlanders were forbidden to wear their national dress.

( d ) The Austrian Highlanders were forbidden to wear their national dress.


Q (19): Choose the correct option:

What did it mean to be a revolutionary in Mazzini's time? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) To be a revolutionary, it meant to fight for food in Mazzini's time.

( b ) To be a revolutionary, it meant not to fight for liberty and freedom in Mazzini's time.

( c ) To be a revolutionary, it meant to fight for liberty and freedom in Mazzini's time.

( d ) To be a revolutionary, it meant to fight for dues and debts in Mazzini's time.


Q (20): State whether true or false:

The local peasants supported the armed volunteers to drive out the Spanish rulers. (MCQ) [1]

( a ) True

( b ) False


Q (21): Choose the correct option:

What was the reason behind the erection of Marianne's statues in public squares? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) The reason was to remind the public of the national flag.

( b ) The reason was to remind the public of the national symbol of division.

( c ) The reason was to remind the public of the anti-national symbol of unity.

( d ) The reason was to remind the public of the national symbol of unity.


Q (22): Choose the correct option: [1]

From which event did the people of 19th century Europe inspire themselves to fight for freedom? (MCQ)

( a ) The people of 19th century were inspired from India to fight for freedom.

( b ) The people of 19th century were inspired from the industrialization to fight for freedom.

( c ) The people of 19th century were inspired from the French revolution to fight for freedom.

( d ) The people of 19th century were inspired from the Green revolution to fight for freedom.


Q (23): The feelings of nationalism was illustrated by a French artist named................... . (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Giuseppe Mazzini

( b ) Frederic Sorrieu

( c ) Claude Monet

( d ) Edgar Degas


Q (24): Fill in the blank:

The Balkans was a region of geographical and _____ variations. (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Regional

( b ) Modern

( c ) Ethnic

( d ) Anti National


Q (25): State whether true or false:

Marianne's images were marked on coins and stamps of 1850. (MCQ) [1]

( a ) True

( b ) False


Q (26): What was the main aim of revolutionaries of Europe during the years following 1815? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) To restore the Bourbon dynasty.

( b ) To oppose monarchical forms of government.

( c ) To oppose democratic forms of government.

( d ) To oppose the unification of Italy.


Q (27): Fill in the blank:

_____ culture became the spirit of the nation in Europe. (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Folk

( b ) New

( c ) Pop

( d ) Old


Q (28): Choose the correct option:

What territories did the Habsburg Empire rule over? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Austria.

( b ) Romania.

( c ) Hungary.

( d ) Austria and Hungary.


Q (29): Choose the correct option:

Why did Greece get the support from the Greeks living in exile and west-Europeans? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Greece got the support from the Greeks living in exile and west-Europeans because they had sympathies for ancient Greek culture.

( b ) Greece got the support from the Greeks living in exile and west-Europeans because they had fought war with ancient Greek culture.

( c ) Greece got the support from the Greeks living in exile and west-Europeans because they had fought with ancient German culture.

( d ) Greece got the support from the Greeks living in exile and west-Europeans because they had sympathies for ancient German culture.


Q (30): Ottoman Empire was ruled by the ............. . (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Caliph

( b ) Edirne

( c ) Yakishir

( d ) Mehmet 2


Q (31): Choose the correct option:

Who have granted concessions to the liberalnationalist revolutionaries? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) The servants have granted concession to the liberal-nationalist revolutionaries.

( b ) The queens have granted concession to the liberal-nationalist revolutionaries.

( c ) The monarchs have granted concession to the liberal-nationalist revolutionaries.

( d ) The citizens have granted concession to the liberal-nationalist revolutionaries.


Q (32): Fill in the blank:

The German confederation of _____ states was set up by Napoleon. (MCQ) [1]

( a ) 38

( b ) 39

( c ) 37

( d ) 36


Q (33): Choose the correct option :

What is the meaning of 'liber'? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) The fatherland

( b ) The citizen

( c ) Free

( d ) The measure of cloth


Q (34): Fill in the blank:

In the _____ too, guild restrictions were removed. (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Town

( b ) City

( c ) Village

( d ) Metropolis


Q (35): State whether true or false:

The English parliament, which had seized power from the monarchy in 1988 at the end of a protracted conflict, was the instrument through which a nation-state with Germany its centre, came to be forged. (MCQ) [1]

( a ) True

( b ) False


Q (36): Fill in the blank:

_____ was the head of the constitutional monarchy. (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Joseph Philippe

( b ) George Philippe

( c ) Louis Philippe

( d ) Louis Vuitton


Q (37): Fill in the blank:

The _____ revolution proclaimed that it was the people who would henceforth constitute the nation. (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Indian

( b ) Green

( c ) German

( d ) French


Q (38): Interpret the concept of 'liberalisation' in the field of economic sphere during the nineteenth century in Europe. (MCQ) [1]

( a ) In the economic sphere, liberalization stood for freedom of market and state restrictions on the movements of goods and capital.

( b ) In the economic sphere, liberalization stood for freedom of market and the abolition of state imposed restrictions on the movements of goods and capital.

( c ) In the economic sphere, liberalization stood for market being under guild's capture and the abolition of state imposed restrictions on the movements of goods and capital.

( d ) In the economic sphere, liberalization meant that only big traders can sell their goods and the abolition of state imposed restrictions on the movements of goods and capital.


Q (39): Choose the correct option:

For which purpose were the ideas of "the fatherland" and "the citizen" emphasized by the French revolutionaries? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) These were emphasized to create a sense of collective identity among only the French army.

( b ) These were to emphasize the notion of a united community enjoying equal rights under a constitution.

( c ) These were emphasized to create a sense of identity among the people of the other nations.

( d ) These were emphasized to create a sense of identity among the people of Switzerland.


Q (40): State whether true or false:

Genoa was added to Prussia in the south. (MCQ) [1]

( a ) True

( b ) False


Q (41): Choose the correct option:

The place where the priests and the bishops were punished. (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Siberia

( b ) Tundra

( c ) Mongolia

( d ) Vienna


Q (42): Choose the correct option:

The Napoleonic rule was unpopular among which people? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) The Napoleonic rule was unpopular among the old conquered people.

( b ) The Napoleonic rule was unpopular among newly conquered people.

( c ) The Napoleonic rule was unpopular among the opposition party.

( d ) The Napoleonic rule was unpopular among the French army.


Q (43): Assertion(A): During the years following 1818, the fear of repression drove many liberal-nationalists underground.

Reason(R): Secret societies sprang up in many European states to train revolutionaries and spread their ideas. (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.

( b ) Both A and R are true, and R is not the correct explanation of A.

( c ) A is true but R is false.

( d ) A is false but R is true.


Q (44): Choose the correct option:

Who carried the idea of nationalism abroad? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) The French middle class people carried the idea of nationalism abroad.

( b ) The French armies carried the idea of nationalism abroad due to the outbreak of various revolutionary wars.

( c ) The French educators carried the idea of nationalism abroad.

( d ) The French travellers carried the idea of nationalism abroad.


Q (45): Choose the correct option:

Who claimed that through folk songs, folk poetry and folk dances, the true spirit of the nation could be popularised? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Christoph Martin Wieland claimed that through folk songs, folk poetry and folk dances, the true spirit of the nation could be popularised.

( b ) Johann Wolfgang von Goethe claimed that through folk songs, folk poetry and folk dances, the true spirit of the nation could be popularised.

( c ) Friedrich Schiller claimed that through folk songs, folk poetry and folk dances, the true spirit of the nation could be popularised.

( d ) Johann Gottfried Herder claimed that through folk songs, folk poetry and folk dances, the true spirit of the nation could be popularised.


Q (46): Assertion(A): Language, too played an important role in developing nationalist sentiments.

Reason(R): After Russian occupation, the Polish language was welcomed in schools, and the Russian language was forced out. (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.

( b ) Both A and R are true, and R is not the correct explanation of A.

( c ) A is true but R is false.

( d ) A is false but R is true.


Q (47): Choose the correct option:

Who was the leader of the armed volunteers, who marched into South Italy? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Mazzini was the leader of the armed volunteers, who marched into South Italy.

( b ) Garibaldi was the leader of the armed volunteers, who marched into South Italy.

( c ) Clelia was the leader of the armed volunteers, who marched into South Italy.

( d ) Bixio was the leader of the armed volunteers, who marched into South Italy.


Q (48): He was perhaps the most celebrated of Italian freedom fighters. He came from a family engaged in coastal trade and was a sailor in the merchant navy. In 1833, he met Mazzini, joined the Young Italy movement and participated in a republican uprising in Piedmont in 1834. (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Oto von Bismarck

( b ) Giuseppe Mazzini

( c ) Count Camillo di Cavour

( d ) Giuseppe Garibaldi


Q (49): Choose the correct option:

Why was French declared the national language? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) French was declared the national language as it was spoken and written in Delhi.

( b ) French was declared the national language as it was spoken and written in Paris.

( c ) French was declared the national language as it was spoken and written in Berlin.

( d ) French was declared the national language as it was spoken and written in Vienna.


Q (50): Fill in the blank:

The _____ mobilised the sentiments of the people in order to achieve political domination. (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Liberal

( b ) Democratic

( c ) Conservatives

( d ) Republic





