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MCQ [50]



English - 10th Marks

Q (1): What "twin obligations" does Mandela mention? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Mandela mentions that every man has twin obligations. The first is only to his children; the second obligation is to the stray animals.

( b ) Mandela mentions that every man has twin obligations. The first is only to his family; the second obligation is to all the criminals.

( c ) Mandela mentions that every man has twin obligations. The first is only to the murderers; the second obligation is only to his people and his community.

( d ) Mandela mentions that every man has twin obligations. The first is to his family, parents, wife and children; the second obligation is to his people, his community and his country.


Q (2): Pick out the word that does not mean transitory. (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Permanent does not mean transitory.

( b ) Momentary does not mean transitory.

( c ) Impermanent does not mean transitory.

( d ) Temporary does not mean transitory.


Q (3): Complete the sentence:

Man’s goodness is a ______ that can be hidden but never extinguished. (MCQ) [1]

( a ) truth

( b ) fame

( c ) fact

( d ) spark


Q (4): How does Mandela describe the systems of government in his century in the final decade of the twentieth century? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) In the final decade of the twentieth century, the previous systems had been overturned forever and replaced by one that recognized the rights and freedom of all people, regardless of the colour of their skins.

( b ) In the final decade of the twentieth century, the previous systems had not yet been overturned forever and replaced by one that recognized the rights and freedom of all people, regardless of the colour of their skins.

( c ) In the final decade of the twentieth century, the previous systems had not yet been overturned forever and replaced by one that recognized the rights and freedom of all people, regardless of their marital status.

( d ) In the final decade of the twentieth century, the previous systems had been overturned forever and replaced by one that recognized the rights and freedom of all people, regardless of their economic status.


Q (5): What did the highest generals do at the inauguration? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) The highest generals of the defence and the police arrested Mandela at the inauguration.

( b ) The highest generals of the defence and the police saluted Mandela and pledged their loyalty to him at the inauguration.

( c ) The highest generals of the defence and the police danced at the inauguration.

( d ) The highest generals of the defence and the police refused to salute Mandela at the inauguration.


Q (6): What pained Nelson Mandela on becoming the President of South Africa? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Mandela was pained by his inability to thank his neighbours who were unable to see what their sacrifices had brought. He remembered the suffering and courage of his neighbours, who fought for the same cause.

( b ) Mandela was pained by his inability to thank his comrades who were unable to see what their sacrifices had brought. He remembered the suffering and courage of thousands of patriots, who fought for the same cause.

( c ) Mandela was pained by his inability to thank his children who were unable to see what their sacrifices had brought. He remembered the suffering and courage of his children, who fought for the same cause.

( d ) Mandela was pained by his inability to thank his parents who were unable to see what their sacrifices had brought. He remembered the suffering and courage of his parents, who fought for the same cause.


Q (7): Who came before the inauguration and for what? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Gandhiji came to congratulate Mandela before the inauguration.

( b ) Mr de Klerk and Mr Thabo Mbeki came to pay their respects before the inauguration.

( c ) Dignitaries and world leaders came to pay their respects before the inauguration.

( d ) Little children came to pay their respects before the inauguration.


Q (8): Trace a word from the story that means "severe". (MCQ) [1]

( a ) comrades

( b ) humanity

( c ) grimmest

( d ) extinguished


Q (9): Who accompanied Nelson Mandela at the inauguration? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Mr de Klerk accompanied Nelson Mandela at the inauguration.

( b ) Mr Thabo Mbeki accompanied Nelson Mandela at the inauguration.

( c ) Mr Oliver Tambo accompanied Nelson Mandela at the inauguration.

( d ) Zenani, Mandela’s daughter accompanied him at the inauguration.


Q (10): According to Mandela, what was the greatest wealth of his country? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) According to Mandela, the greatest wealth of his country was its minerals.

( b ) According to Mandela, the greatest wealth of his country was its gems.

( c ) According to Mandela, the greatest wealth of his country was its people.

( d ) According to Mandela, the greatest wealth of his country was its government.


Q (11): How did Nelson Mandela describe the scene of the inaugurations? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) The oath-taking ceremony of Nelson Mandela was a historic occasion. Dignitaries and representatives of 140 countries came to attend it. The ceremony took place in the lovely sandstone amphitheatre.

( b ) The oath-taking ceremony of Nelson Mandela was a historic occasion. Dignitaries and representatives of 240 countries came to attend it. The ceremony took place in the lovely marble amphitheatre.

( c ) The oath-taking ceremony of Nelson Mandela was a historic occasion. Dignitaries and representatives of 340 countries came to attend it. The ceremony took place in the lovely limestone amphitheatre.

( d ) The oath-taking ceremony of Nelson Mandela was a historic occasion. Dignitaries and representatives of 240 countries came to attend it. The ceremony took place in the lovely limestone theatre.


Q (12): Complete the sentence:

__________ is a building without a roof, with many rows of seats rising in steps. (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Podium

( b ) Mall

( c ) Amphitheatre

( d ) Restaurant


Q (13): Complete the sentence:

It requires such depths of oppression _______. (MCQ) [1]

( a ) to create such heights of character.

( b ) but I was born free.

( c ) but he who conquers that fear.

( d ) they can be taught to love.


Q (14): What ideals does Mandela set out for the future of South Africa in his speech? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) The ideals that Mandela set out for the future of South Africa in his speech were to improve the environmental condition of South Africa and make it less polluted for the future generations.

( b ) The ideals that Mandela set out for the future of South Africa in his speech were to improve the economic condition and wealth of people of South Africa.

( c ) The ideals that Mandela set out for the future of South Africa in his speech were to improve travel and tourism in South Africa and attract tourists from all over the world.

( d ) The ideals that Mandela set out for the future of South Africa in his speech were to liberate the people of South Africa from continuing bondage of poverty, deprivation, suffering, gender and other discriminations. There would be freedom and justice for all.


Q (15): What happened after the Anglo-Boer war? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) After the Anglo-Boer war, the white people of South Africa created a system of racial discrimination against the black people of their own land.

( b ) After the Anglo-Boer war, the people of South Africa achieved their political emancipation.

( c ) After the Anglo-Boer war, the people of South Africa gained freedom from the rigorous discriminatory laws.

( d ) After the Anglo-Boer war, the government recognised the rights and freedoms of all peoples, regardless of the colour of their skin.


Q (16): What happened at the inauguration? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) At the inauguration, the first-ever democracy, a non-racial government was installed in South Africa.

( b ) At the inauguration, a call for freedom was given by Mandela.

( c ) At the inauguration, a statue of Gandhi was unveiled.

( d ) At the inauguration, a new relief package was announced for the poor.


Q (17): Pick out the characteristics not associated with earlier African patriots. (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Selfishness is not associated with earlier African patriots.

( b ) Courage is not associated with earlier African patriots.

( c ) Wisdom is not associated with earlier African patriots.

( d ) Generosity is not associated with earlier African patriots.


Q (18): What does courage mean to Mandela? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) For Mandela, courage does not mean the absence of fear but victory over fear. According to him, brave men need not be fearless but should be able to conquer fear.

( b ) For Mandela, courage means the absence of fear. According to him, brave men need to be fearless.

( c ) For Mandela, courage means both the absence of fear and victory over fear. According to him, brave men need not be fearless but should be able to conquer fear.

( d ) For Mandela, courage means the absence of fear. According to him, brave men need to be fearless and conquer fear at the same time.


Q (19): Complete the sentence:

The oppressed and the oppressor alike are robbed of their ______. (MCQ) [1]

( a ) humility

( b ) freedom

( c ) humanity

( d ) houses


Q (20): Why did Nelson Mandela say, "The oppressed and the oppressor alike are robbed of their humanity."? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Nelson Mandela said so because the oppressors were robbed, when they suffered all that was against humanity and the oppressed had to kill the good human being within himself before doing anything cruel to the other person.

( b ) Nelson Mandela said so because the oppressed were robbed, when they were killed & the oppressor had to kill the bad human being within himself before doing anything cruel to the other person.

( c ) Nelson Mandela said so because the oppressed were robbed, when they suffered all that was against humanity and the oppressor had to kill the good human being within himself before doing anything cruel to the other person.

( d ) Nelson Mandela said so because the oppressors were robbed, when they were killed, the oppressed had to kill the bad human being within himself before doing anything cruel to the other person.


Q (21): What created a lasting wound in Nelson’s country? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Unintended effect created a lasting wound in Nelson’s country.

( b ) Policy of apartheid created a lasting wound in Nelson’s country.

( c ) Oppression created a lasting wound in Nelson’s country.

( d ) Brutality created a lasting wound in Nelson’s country.


Q (22): How many national anthems were sung at the inauguration? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) One national anthem was sung at the inauguration.

( b ) Two national anthems were sung at the inauguration.

( c ) No national anthem was sung at the inauguration.

( d ) Four national anthems were sung at the inauguration.


Q (23): What did 'being free' mean to Mandela as a boy and as a student? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) As a boy, ‘being free’ meant to wander free in fields, swim freely, and run through the village. As a student, to stay out at night, read what he pleased, and go wherever he chose was ‘being free’.

( b ) As a boy, ‘being free’ meant to wander free in forests, fly freely, and run through the rain. As a student, to stay in at night, write what he pleased, and go wherever he chose was ‘being free’.

( c ) As a boy, ‘being free’ meant to farm freely in fields, eat freely, and run through the fair. As a student, to stay out at evening, draw what he pleased, and go to college was ‘being free’.

( d ) As a boy, ‘being free’ meant to eat fruits in fields, cry freely, and walk through the shops. As a student, to stay in at night, paint what he pleased, and go to church was ‘being free’.


Q (24): What did Mandela promise in his oath-taking speech? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Mandela promised that people would be given a bonus during Christmas.

( b ) Mandela promised that people would have the right to vote.

( c ) Mandela promised that people would be given free rations for a month.

( d ) Mandela promised that the country shall not again experience the oppression of one by another.


Q (25): Does Mandela think the oppressor is free: Why/Why not? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Mandela thinks that the oppressor is free because nobody can stop him from visiting diferent countries to oppress others.

( b ) Mandela feels that the oppressor is free but he is only answerable to the one he has oppressed.

( c ) Mandela feels that the oppressor is not free because he is caught up in guilt and self-pity.

( d ) Mandela does not feel that the oppressor is free because according to him, an oppressor is a prisoner of hatred, who is locked behind the bars of prejudice and narrow-mindedness.


Q (26): Complete the sentence:

“I learned that ____ was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it." (MCQ) [1]

( a ) emancipation

( b ) liberation

( c ) apartheid

( d ) courage


Q (27): Complete the sentence:

I was not born with a hunger to be free. _____ (MCQ) [1]

( a ) to create such heights of character.

( b ) but the triumph over it.

( c ) but he who conquers that fear.

( d ) I was born free.


Q (28): What does ‘besieged’ mean? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Besieged means to be protected.

( b ) Besieged means requested.

( c ) Besieged means to be surrounded.

( d ) Besieged means to be sheltered.


Q (29): Complete the sentence :

______ is a small platform that a person stands on when giving a speech etc. (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Amphitheatre

( b ) Mall

( c ) Restaurant

( d ) Podium


Q (30): Who was sworn in first and as what? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Mr Thabo Mbeki was sworn in first as the first deputy president.

( b ) Mr de Klerk was sworn in first as the second deputy president.

( c ) Nelson Mandela was sworn in first as the president of South Africa.

( d ) Nelson Mandela was sworn in first as the prime minister of South Africa.


Q (31): What does bedecked mean? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Bedecked means adorned.

( b ) Bedecked means placed on the deck.

( c ) Bedecked means dismantled.

( d ) Bedecked means uncovered.


Q (32): What did the policy of apartheid create? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) The policy of apartheid brought about the emancipation of the blacks in South Africa.

( b ) The policy of apartheid created a deep and lasting wound in the country and its people.

( c ) The policy of apartheid recognised the freedom of all people regardless of any other factors like colour and gender.

( d ) The policy of apartheid gave equal rights to all people in the country.


Q (33): Why did Mandela join the African National Congress? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Mandela joined the African National Congress because he felt people need to be discriminated based on colour.

( b ) Mandela joined the African National Congress because he wanted to bring about economic reforms.

( c ) Mandela joined the African National Congress because he wanted to promote dictatorship.

( d ) Mandela joined the African National Congress because he wanted to fight for the freedom of his people.


Q (34): Complete the sentence:

________ is the ability to deal with any kind of hardship and recover from its effects. (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Resilience

( b ) Courage

( c ) Wisdom

( d ) Brittleness


Q (35): Which does he think is natural, to love or to hate? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) For Mandela, both love and hate come naturally to the human heart, depending on the situation.

( b ) For Mandela, hate comes naturally to the human heart than love.

( c ) For Mandela, love comes naturally to the human heart than hate.

( d ) For Mandela, neither hate not love come naturally to the human heart.


Q (36): What does profound mean? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Profound means discovered.

( b ) Profound means hide and seek.

( c ) Profound means deep and strong.

( d ) Profound means shallow and weak.


Q (37): Who were the people of extraordinary courage, wisdom and generosity? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Oliver Tambos

( b ) Walter Sisulus

( c ) Chief Luthulis

( d ) All of them


Q (38): From the story, find one word which means 'a period of ten years'? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) apartheid

( b ) profound

( c ) unintended

( d ) decades


Q (39): Why were two national anthems sung? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) On the day of the inauguration, two national anthems were sung, one by the whites and other by the blacks. This symbolised the equality of the blacks and the whites.

( b ) On the day of the inauguration, two national anthems were sung, one by the men and other by the women. This symbolised the equality of the men and the women.

( c ) On the day of the inauguration, two national anthems were sung, one by the children and other by the elders. This symbolised the equality of the elders and the children.

( d ) On the day of the inauguration, two national anthems were sung, one by the whites and other by the blacks. This symbolised the inequality of the blacks and the



Q (40): What did the people of South Africa achieve at last? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) The people of South Africa achieved apartheid at last.

( b ) The people of South Africa achieved racial discrimination at last.

( c ) The people of South Africa achieved victory at last.

( d ) The people of South Africa achieved their political emancipation at last.


Q (41): Pick out the synonym for victory. (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Apartheid is a synonym for victory.

( b ) Besieged is a synonym for victory.

( c ) Triumph is a synonym for victory.

( d ) Emancipation is a synonym for victory.


Q (42): What ideals does he set out for the future of South Africa? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Mandela sets out the ideals of changing the foreign policy of the nations as it is not good enough. He always speaks about discrimination based on race and its effects.

( b ) Mandela sets out the ideals for the betterment of the poor and the suffering in a way no one has ever done before.

( c ) Mandela sets out the ideals of poverty alleviation, and removal of suffering of people. He also sets the ideal for a society where there would be no discrimination based on gender or racial origin.

( d ) Mandela sets out the ideals for decreasing the child labour and discrimination based on the gender. He also sets the ideal for a society where there would be no abuse.


Q (43): We, who were outlaws not so long ago ......'. Who does 'we' refer to? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) ‘We' refers to the people of South Africa.

( b ) 'We' refers to the outlaws of South Africa.

( c ) 'We' refers to the immigrants in South Africa.

( d ) 'We' refers to the Indians in South Africa.


Q (44): Pick out the person who is not associated with the struggle against apartheid. (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Oliver Tambo is not associated with the struggle against apartheid.

( b ) Yusuf Dadoo is not associated with the struggle against apartheid.

( c ) Walter Sisulu is not associated with the struggle against apartheid.

( d ) P. W. Botha is not associated with the struggle against apartheid.


Q (45): What do the military generals do? How has their attitude changed, and why? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) The military generals protect the dignity of women. Their attitude towards blacks have not changed.

( b ) The highest military generals of the South African defence force and police saluted Mandela and pledged their loyalty. Their attitude towards blacks had taken over a great change. Instead of arresting a black, they saluted him.

( c ) The military generals protect the orphan children. They have become kinder towards white people.

( d ) The military generals refuse to accept Mandela as their President. They discriminate against the blacks, even more than what they did previously.


Q (46): Pick out the new national anthem of South Africa. (MCQ) [1]

( a ) ‘El Himno de Bayamo' was the new national anthem of South Africa.

( b ) ‘Marcha Real’ was the new national anthem of South Africa.

( c ) ‘Die Stem' was the new national anthem of South Africa.

( d ) ‘Nkosi Sikelel –iAfrika’ was the new national anthem of South Africa.


Q (47): Why did Mandela say that freedom was indivisible? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Mandela said that freedom was indivisible because the chains on any one of his people were chains on all of them.

( b ) Mandela said that freedom was indivisible because freedom should be given to only certain sections of people.

( c ) Mandela said that freedom was indivisible because his country was united and not divided.

( d ) Mandela said that freedom was indivisible because the people didn’t want to divide freedom with other people.


Q (48): What does bondage mean? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Bondage is the upliftment of suppressed classes.

( b ) Bondage is an agreement.

( c ) Bondage means to maintain bonds with people.

( d ) Bondage means slavery.


Q (49): Who was sworn in second and as what? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) Mr de Klerk was sworn in second as the second deputy president.

( b ) Nelson Mandela was sworn in second as the president of South Africa.

( c ) Mr Thabo Mbeki was sworn in second as the first deputy president.

( d ) Nelson Mandela was sworn in second as the prime minister of South Africa.


Q (50): Why is 10th May 1994 important for South Africa? (MCQ) [1]

( a ) 10th May 1994 is important for South Africa because that day marked the twenty-fifth year of South Africa’s independence.

( b ) 10th May 1994 is important for South Africa because their great leader, Nelson Mandela was born on that day.

( c ) 10th May 1994 is important for South Africa because the first democratic, non-racial government elections were held on this day in the country. Nelson Mandela was elected and he became the first black president of the country.

( d ) 10th May 1994 is important for South Africa because their great leader, Nelson Mandela passed away on that day.







